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"No, never" Jimin says, hugging Jungkook again

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"No, never" Jimin says, hugging Jungkook again. Jungkook smiles, hugging him back. He rubs Jimin's back, kissing the side of his head. Jimin sighs in relief, also doing the same time Jungkook did. The younger let out a giggle, feeling ticklish.
"Stop, that tickles" Jungkook says and Jimin chuckles, pulling away. He pecked Jungkook's lips, staring at his eyes with love.

Jungkook woke up to someone calling him in the middle of the night. He opens one of his eye, looking around as he groaned.
"Aish... Jiminie...?" Jungkook says, frowning as he sat up. He's startled as he sees a pair of red glowing eyes in the darkness.
"J-Jimin, don't scare me like that" He says, relaxing.

He hears a deep chuckle and it got him nervous.
"Hey, Jimin... Please stop this now" He says and is startled as he's met with someone he didn't expect.
"Hello, human" Jungkook tried screaming but they had covered his mouth and shushed him.
"Don't be so noisy, human..." He said and smirked. Ohjung.

Jimin walks inside Jungkook's room with a tray of food in his hand.
"Darling...?" He felt excited, but his excitement died down as soon as he got inside the room. He frowns, placing the tray down on the bed before sniffing around. His eyes widened as he smells the familiar scent.
"No..." He says, gulping.

He ran out of the room, bumping into Jin.
"Woah, why are you in a hurry? Isn't Jungkook in there?" Jin asks and Jimin huffs.
"He's not! Ohjung took him!" Jimin says and Jin gasps.
"Inform everyone, we're going to them" Jimin ordered and Jin nodded before disappearing.
"I've had enough of you, Ohjung" Jimin says as he went outside, continuing to sniff Ohjung's scent.

"Please make sure Jungkook's safe... If he's not... You're dead to me... "


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Met This Vampire, Don't Know What Happened [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now