It is Beautiful

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Going down the stairs from my bedroom I was hit with a sock. An old musty ass sock. "RYDER!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!" He laughed. "You laugh like an old man my guy." I commented, giving him a look of pity. "At least I don't look like one!" He laughed again but visibly deepening his voice. "Bro- never mind you weirdo." I laughed as I walked up to him and, lightly, punched him on his shoulder. Walking into the living room I realized my mother had gone to work but had left waffles and syrup on the island in your kitchen. Thanks mom! I dug into the waffles, it'd been so long since I last ate them, she died in a few years of old age. My bio father had never been in the picture so I had a full arsenal of all the dad going to get the milk jokes. "Jeez dude, you eat like you've been starving for centuries!" Ryder remarked. "Shut up." I said through a mouthful of waffles. He dramatically sighed and walked out of the room to go do something I couldn't care less about cause I have waffles. After shoving 4 waffles down my throat I considered myself full. Standing up I went back to my room to brush my teeth and style my hair a little more, cause it got messed up since I got hit by a flying sock. Since I noticed it was Saturday after checking the calendar my mother always had up I decided to go around the town and see if there were any weapon shops. Surprisingly there was. Walking into it my eyes caught on a giant scythe on the other side of the workshop. Once you said hello to the clerk you walked over to it. It was beautiful with lovely details and colors. The black scythe showed purple on the edges of the sharp blade. "How much for this?" You said, pointing to the scythe. "It's free, no one will buy it so just take it. And now you just walked out the of that shop with a giant scythe in hand and grunge style clothing, you wouldn't be surprised if a hero stopped you on your walk home to inspect you. You chuckled under your breath.

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