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(Y/n): Your name

(L/n): last name

(h/l): hair length

(h/c): hair color

(e/c): eye color

(f/c): favorite color

(f/n): friend name

'Find it.'

There it is again. That same voice from your dream last night, beckoning you to follow its calling. As if in a trance the chocolate in your (skin tone) hands slips from your grasp and lands on the floor. The treat being left and forgotten when your legs start moving on their own to walk out of the kitchen and up the staircase. Once you've left, the jockey wanders inside, finding the chocolate on the floor.

Diego: "Someone dropped their food."

He looks around for a second to see if anybody's watching. Picking it up and muttering excitingly.

Diego: "Well, it's mine now!"

Then he shoves it into his mouth, with wrapping included.

Your steps are the only sound in the hallway while you make your way towards wherever you're being pulled to. With a blank mind you keep wandering to the end of the second floor, unfocused (e/c) eyes not staring at anything in particular. For a moment you come to a halt, right beneath the door of the attic which very slowly opens up by itself. A ladder descending from above and giving you access in front of you. Climbing up the ladder bit by bit you enter the dark spacious room you've been avoiding since moving in. It was just a matter of time until you'd have gone in here yourself eventually anyway.

You: "W-Wha..? How did I end up here?"

You say confused, regaining your conscious and rubbing your head in hopes to get rid of the incoming headache tousling up more of your (h/l) hair. The old attic's floorboards creak whenever one even dares to take a step, various furniture are covered by long thin blankets or wrapped with plastic. A single rusted ceiling lamp hanging down, though missing the light bulb. It would've been pitch black if not for a small window at the other side of the room. The light of the full moon illuminating the space just enough.

Looking around for a little while longer you ponder.

You: 'Wasn't that strange voice leading me? It better not be tricking me and lead me to death or some shit! You know what, if it happens then it happens. At this point I shouldn't be surprised of weird and bizarre things happening.'

You snicker at your thoughts.

You: 'Heh. Bizarre. Ok maybe I should stop.'

The glint of golden metal catches your attention from the corner of your (e/c) eyes. Under the only window stands a wooden table, on top of it a wooden box with a golden key laying right beside it. Cautiously approaching it and taking it in your grasp as if it would hurt you at any second, you turn it in your hands. A few clings and clangs resonating from the inside. Taking another glance at the key you come to the conclusion that this must be a music box you can wind up. There's two letters carved onto the lid of the box, which coincidentally equal your initials.

You: "Strange. It seems familiar. Where have I seen this before? ...Should I try winding it?"

Taking the key in one hand you decide to wind it, not seeing any harm in doing so. Attaching the golden metal to the box and turning it a few times you wait for it to play a tune. Only to hear two notes until it lets out a small crack and stop. You turn it around in your (s/t) hands a few times, until your fingers graze a small button to which the box starts to rattle as response, something sounds to be unlocking.

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