Chapter 20| He's as bad as they say

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Please follow hikmarht


"Fuck him!" I cursed wiping my face with the back of my palm. My body was producing so much sweat that my brown t-shirt and short were clinging to my skin like a second skin. Sweat plummeted down my face, neck, armpit, legs, I was completely drenched. I never knew it was even possible to be this sweaty?!, But her I am drenched from head to toe feeling disgusting.

The sky was surprisenly very alluring. It was a fascinating tapestry of color, having hues of black and deep blue, no cloud in sight. My path was well lit as the road was awash with light from the full glowing moon, twinkling stars and the street lights.

I've been walking for God knows how long, with my head open, i was even too angry to grab a veil. Mr Bolade had been in town all these while and suddenly shows up when I demand for MY money back, I have every right to that money. It's my right as a child to be taken care of as long as my parents are alive, even if just one of them. If he didn't want to take care of me he could have killed me when I was just a child, but now I'm all grown up and have become a fish bone in his neck.

My chest began to throb and my breath now became more shallow, I had to take the rest. I glanced around, the environment I was didn't seem familiar at all. Where have I walked to for goodness sake, all I could see as far as my eyes could see where tall house with high gates  like scary haunted house out of a movie.

No money was in my pocket to take a cab back home. I kept walking after resting a bit till I eventually reached a main street, there were shops here and there.

If I had had sense, I would have just walked to one of my friend's house when I stormed out but NO I let my anger get the best of me and I can't find my way to any of their house. I have no sense of direction and barely remember places, I never thought it was a problem until now.

I'll just ask for directions to a police station and get my dad arrested. But wait!. This is Nigeria police stations will be closed.

I paused in the middle of the road again, in front of a provision store. I stare longingly at the drink and thought of grabbing one and making a run for it, but I'm too tired to run and....

A car horn beeped into my eyes and I turned to the toad sharply. The car came to a halt beside me and the driver wind down it window.

"Ludwig!" I gasped.


Ludwig pulled up into the driveway and turned off ignition.

"Are your parents home?" I asked.


I didn't know which feeling I should let take over, relieved or fear?!. But it's Ludwig, what could possibly happen.

He reached between us to the back seat and grabbed a large black bag, glass bottles clicked together as he brought them to the front seat.

"You coming?."

We alighted and strode towards the house. Ludwig let us in and closed the door behind. I stood in awe checking out the house, it was certainly bigger than mine and appealing.

The house had a homey and comfy feeling, everything looked soft and welcoming. From the green chairs to the green rug that spread round the entire seating room.

Lugwig whispered into my ear, "Let's go up."

He led the way and I followed like a lost sheep, going up each stair case after him. The flight of staircase was clearly longer than the one I was accustomed to at him, there were three huge turn ins' at different part unlike the spiral staircase at home.

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