Chapter Fourteen - The Burned Photograph

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"Okay, mom. I'll call you once the plane lands. I love you." I said on the phone as I looked down on the city of Las Vegas. After one more hour I will never see this place again. City lights will be replaced by Taipei's stars and these tall structures beneath me will be superseded by bungalows and acacias. It's time for the real world now. It's time to wake up.

"I love you too honey. Take care." Mom replied affectionately then I ended the call. I sighed heavily as I sag down on the pale blue carpeted floor. I leaned my head and shoulder lazily on the window with the phone still in hand.

After that moment at the pond with Daniele last night, we had talked for a while as we admired the scenery before us. I guess it was past eleven when he had decided that we should head back. It had been a cold night so he had wrapped his warm coat around me and even today, I can't forget his scent that had enveloped me with a sense of protection. He had been silent the whole ride home and the question about the thing that bothered him remained unanswered.

It was only when we had arrived back at the hotel that he had told me about my arranged flight on his private jet airplane at ten in the morning. I expected it but I was surprised with the way his voice sounded.

I don't want you to leave, was what it depicted.

I settled my gaze on the blue lucent sky and closed my eyes for a while. There were still a lot of questions that have not been answered and that pretentious woman who claimed to be Daniele's past lover was right.

Daniele was indeed a man of secrets and shadows. Since the day he kidnapped me, his role in my life hasn't been crystal clear. He shifted from being my kidnapper to being... a what? An acquaintance? A friend? An admirer? A suitor?

I shook away the uneasy feeling the word admirer and suitor brought with it. Why did I even think that?

Anyway, even though I was taken here against my will, he never treated me badly and he even helped me. Because of what he did for my family, I realized that maybe his intentions were good. Unless, he had a hidden agenda. But even though that's the case, what could he possibly want from me?

My gaze wandered towards the half-packed suitcase laying open on the bed. Lots of clothes were strewn around it and I can't help but snort. How ironic that I came here with nothing then five days later I'll go home with a suitcase filled with expensive clothes and jewelries. I never asked for them for I was contented with simple shirts and jeans yet he was inclined to buy me everything. He was inclined to do everything. But why?

"What are you doing there?"

I jerked my head towards the bedroom door and saw Isaiah standing there. He was in his usual attire, which was a black suit, and his face was still as catatonic as ever.

"I... uhm... was talking to my mom." I lifted the phone to show him. His gaze acknowledged my action but soon it darkened with disapproval when he saw my unfinished packing.

"Why aren't you finished yet? It will take thirty minutes to the landing field and it's already nine." He scolded.

I stood from sitting on the carpet and went to sit on the edge of the bed.

"And you're not dressed yet?" He eyed my pajamas disdainfully then he pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed heavily.

After seeing him do that and a lot of times before at the masquerade ball I noted that it was a mannerism of Isaiah's that depicted that he was exasperated. I gave him a contrite smile. "I don't know if I should bring all of the stuff Daniele wanted me to. It feels wrong." I looked down.

I heard Isaiah's footsteps as he walked towards me then a pair of shiny black leather shoes settled in front of me. I slowly lifted my gaze to meet his dark chocolate eyes.

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