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"My oh my you are very beautiful" he walked closer to me and Claire I pushed her behind me his fingers ran along my face tucking some hair behind my ear I turned my head quickly away from me "Don't fucking touch me" I growled out as he laughed. "Awe daddy isn't gonna like this" he smirked punching me across the face I fell to the ground "LOGAN!" Claire yelled kneeling down to me

"Take some notes honey, don't talk back to Lloyd" he said storming out I slowly sat up as she kneeled next to me crying "Hey hey shhhh look I'm okay" I smiled softly as she hugged me tight we spent a very long time in this room.

—hour later—

I laid on the bed praying six would find us. "Do you think he's looking for us?" She asked I looked down at her and smiled "I'm one hundred percent sure he's out there now trying to save us" I smiled as she cuddled into me a bit more "Are you okay?" She asked I nodded my head he walked back in but this time he was dressed up in all black and took photos with me and Claire then left she sat there crying because he held a gun to her head. This poor girl is gonna be traumatized buy all of this going on

The doors opened we didn't move because we didn't expect who was walking in "Hi sweethearts" I looked up I jumped up running over to him hugging my father tightly as Claire followed behind "What did he do to you" he grabbed my face softly as I winced in pain I moved away to let Claire hug him and have her time I sat down she hugged him tight as she cried "I know I'm sorry" he whispered I sat on the bed staring out the window praying I'd see Six

The doors opened again Lloyd walked in with his buddies "Goldilocks will you be a lamb and excuse us" they gripped me and Claire up "LET ME GO!!" I screamed trying to get out there grip they grabbed Claire "SHE HAS A PACEMAKER YOU JACKASS!" I heated him yell as they took us away from the room to another room I didn't want to leave my fathers side at all

As the time went on we laid on the bed with my father I cuddled into his side scared for my life. "Is he gonna find us?" I asked as my father looked down at me kissing my head he stayed silent for a moment "he's coming for us isn't he?" Claire asked as we laid there "If he can walk, honey, it'll be through those double doors over there" he said I laid there staring that them doors praying he'd walk through them right now. I wanted to see him again i was scared he made me feel like I was safe.

"Logan are you okay?" My father asked I nodded my head I was gonna admit I was scared and I definitely wasn't gonna admit that I wish six was here kicking ass saving me and my family's life. I slowly sat up and looked outside there was a explosion I sat up quickly my father stood up "Stay over there" he said as he watched outside I walked towards the window with Claire "What's happening?" She asked as he looked at us "Didn't I tell you girls to stay over there!" He said we heated hun shots he pushed us towards the bed

"Quickly hide under the bed" we ran towards the bed hiding behind it as hun shoots keep going off in the hall I held Claire close her eyes squeezed tightly shut "Shhh it's okay we are okay" I whispered it went silent for a moment and the door kicked opened I looked at the door looking up at six as he winked at me I laughed in relief "Attaboy" my father smiled we stood up I ran towards six hugging him tightly "Fitzs" six wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly he lifted my head "Who did this?" He asked I sniffled as I looked him in the eyes "Lloyd" his face grew with anger

"You able?" He asked as he let me go walking towards the windows "well, I can walk, but, uh, missing a wing" he held up his had hand as I walked over to Claire helping her up "You like him admit it" she whispered I rolled my eyes "Now is not the time Claire" she rolled her eyes "can you wiggle your finger?" Six asked closing the curtains "with this wing" my father held up his only good hand I was very pissed off that Lloyd did this to my father

"That'll do" he handed my father a gun walking to the other window again closing curtains he saw Claire "You okay?" He asked her if made my heart warm he cared very much about us. "Took you long enough" she said my eyes grew wide "sorry about that. My flight was delayed" he smirked at her as I giggled a little "I knew you'd catch another one" Flitz spoke as we heard someone walking six handed us some stuff "Put these in your ears" six whispered as Claire and I shoved the stuff in my ears as six walked in front of us so did my father

He held the gun up at the wall and shot through it a body fell hitting the door causing it to open "You ready?" He looked at us we nodded our head rushing out the room quickly I stayed right behind six as we continued to try and get away from the terrible place. I held onto Six vest as we walked slowly there was a explosion and I squealed scared six turned towards me "listen I believe in you okay, you are beautiful strong and brave you got this" he grabbed ahold of my hand as I looked up at him tearing up He smiled softly as I nodded

"That's my girl" he turned around holding the gun up he waved a hand for us to follow him we walked out over the deck and started to walk across the bridge "Do you have a plan, or are we improvising?" My father asked I kneeled down low with Claire holding her tight to me as we stood there hiding a bit "Yeah, I got a plan. You got swim trunks?" He asked I looked up at him raising my eyebrow "Listen I get it we want a little humor to lighten this mood up a bit, but I don't think it's the right moment for jokes right now Six" I looked up at him as he keep a eye out

Bullets started to fly towards us I screamed holding onto Claire as tight as I could. "Go, go, go" my father helped us up running to a safer spot away from the gun fire "Down. Down low" we both got down as best as we could hiding from the gun fire "YOU'RE MAKING ME DESTROY A HISTORIC BUILDING HERE!" Lloyd yelled I shook my head as Claire cried into my chest I held onto her tightly "All right. Let's get ready to jump" six spoke I looked up at him like he was nuts

"Jump? Where?" I asked as he looked down at me "I'm gonna have to take the stairs" my father spoke I looked over at him "What are you talking about?" I asked him as he looked up at six he started to wheeze as he moved his hand "Not good" he wheezed out I looked at the wound and started to cry hard "What the bell is that?" Six asked staring at my father as I keep Clair's eyes away from it "What do you think it is?" My father asked I started to whimper six looked at me grabbing my hands softly as he kneeled down to my father

"Go, Six. Get them out of here" he said I looked over quickly he growled and started shooting at Lloyd I crawled over to my father "No dad please no" I started to cry he raised his hand up to my cheek rubbing his thumb softly over it "listen I want you to take very good care of Claire okay?" I nodded my head sniffling "I love you" I whispered kissing his head as he held my hand tightly "I love you both" he smiled as six kneeled down and started grunting Claire was sitting there covering her ears crying he was loading stuff up for my father

"Take the guns give me the grenade" I watched as six did what he was told to do "let me see it. Put some pressure on it" six took his gun off and started to help my father "Get the damn gun out of my face." My father yelled as I crawled over to Claire to calm her down as she cried harder "Shut up. I need to think" Six spoke up as u softly rubbed Claire's back "You don't have time to think. Six look at me. LOOK AT ME" my father yelled I held her tight

"I'm out. Get them gone" I shook my head crying a bit as I held her "Take this. Give me a hand grenade. You understand me? GO! Get my daughter and niece out of here" six went to grab me but hun shots came from the way we walked he moved us out the way "Dad" I cried out as he held me "Come on" six grabbed my hand as I pulled Claire "You both go with six, baby" he said as Lloyd and his gang keep shooting "We go in three, two, one" six counted as Claire moved "NO WAIT!" She yelled

"He's bleeding. Oh. My god!" Claire yelled running back as I ran after her "Come on." Six yelled as I dragged her back I knew this was gonna be so hard on the both of us "SIX NO!" She keep screaming as I handed her off to six as he shoved me behind him shooting at Lloyd and his group. we walked down the stairs climbing over the edge I grabbed his hand he looked over at me I nodded my head lightly and we jumped off the building into the water

The Way I Do//Six (The Gray Man)Where stories live. Discover now