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•Logan's Pov•
-Year Later-

"Claire" I yelled as six walked past holding a box I smiled softly at him as he sent me a wink she came running down the steps "Yes?" She asked I handed her the box she requested "This have everything you need" she smiled wide opening it up digging through it "Awesome thank you" she took it running back up the steps I chuckled a little shaking my head walking away towards the kitchen I grabbed a drink from the fridge I felt arms wrap around my waist I smiled softly leaning my head back "Are you okay?" He asked I nodded my head spinning around in his arms wrapping my arms around his neck as he smiled

"I'm always gonna be okay with you around" he smiled wide "You know I love hearing that stuff" I shrugged a little "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't" I smirked as he rolled his eyes "Okay smart ass" I giggled as he leaned in pecking my lips softly "Wanna order pizza and watch a movie for dinner tonight you have been busy cleaning and setting up why don't you go relax call for pizza find a movie" I couldn't handle it my heart melted. Six took care of me and Claire very well after my father has passed away we moved very very far away even we barely go out which honestly I'm okay with that.

People are overrated, I honestly got everything right here I got Claire, Six and Loc our little orange cat that six rescued out our tree from outside "Fine but you better be right next to me soon Mr" I poked his chest as he shook his head "I will I just got to do a walk through and check a few things then I'll join you why don't you go get Claire and get some snacks?" He asked I nodded my head pecking his nose and slithering out his arm's "scary? Or not scary?" I asked walking backwards out the room "You pick" I nodded my head

-hour later-

Claire laid on the floor eating her pizza as me and six laid back on the couch I quickly hid my face in his chest as the jump scare came he chuckled a bit "Shut up" I whispered as he laughed a little loud "Sorry Claire" she looked over at us as I moved my face to look at the screen "She hates scary movies because of the jump scares" I grabbed some popcorn throwing it at her as she laughed "Oh shut up and watch the movie" I chuckled a bit as she turned around eating the popcorn I threw at her

-Third Person Point Of View-

Logan and six along with Claire lived a very closed life they didn't really do anything nor did they leave. The neighbors some times wonder what they are hiding but they don't bug them at all. Because most of the time they would make there faces shown out and about. Claire was worried about Loc while Logan was worried about Claire while six was worried about all three.   Six made a promise to Logan's dad and he was gonna full fill that promise till he die's he didn't mean to fall in love with Fitz's daughter it just happens.

There relationship bloomed after they found a safe place no one will ever find them. She was happy she loved where she found her new life with an amazing wonderful man. Now Six dose miss his old work but he is loving his new time he loves spending time with the girls especially Logan. She made him feel so many new feelings that the man never knew he had. He's never experienced fear of losing someone till now he is terrified of losing Logan and Claire they made his life better.

They look past what he did for a living they didn't care that he killed people. They didn't care that he has a dirty history. They didn't even care that he's been to jail. He knows that they trust him with there live's Logan is the only one who can get Six to come out and speak up about anything he's feeling. He loved that about her she knew the right words and everything. They flowed out her mouth like the sound of music.

-Six's Pov-

I laid there as Logan continued to hide her face into my neck I smiled softly wrapping my arms around her "I gotcha doll" I felt a smile creep up on her face after I called her that "Someone likes that word" she shoved me a bit as I chuckled I heard soft snores I slowly sat up to see Claire passed out cuddling a pillow "Here watch out im gonna take her to bed do another quick check and come back I'll be ten minutes promise" I kissed her forehead moving her legs as I stood up walking over to Claire picking her up

I carefully took her to her room laying her down. I covered her up walking towards the door going to shut the light off "six" I looked over "What's up Kiddo?" She slowly sat up I walked over kneeling down to her level "I just want to thank you" I titled my head a little "What for?" I asked as she looked over at me "Taking care of me and her, especially Logan." I smiled a little ruffling her hair standing "It's my job kid, now get some sleep" he nodded her head laying down "She love's you, you know that?" She asked I walked over to the door flipping the light switch turning them off "Trust me I know, I love her too." I smiled "Have you told her?" She asked I looked down for a moment thinking if I did "No, no I haven't actually" she sat up quickly "Really Six? You been with her for a year and you never once said it?" She asked as I rolled my eyes "Okay I know, now lay down and go back to sleep I'll see you in the morning good night kid" I shut the door I went to walk down stairs as I stopped for a second

I stood there thinking am I really that bad of a boyfriend that I've never said them words. I never have had to say them maybe she understands that? No, that's not enough. I continued down the steps "Did she wake up?" Logan asked as I nodded my head crawling back onto the couch laying my head in her lap "Yeah, she thanked me and stuff" she smiled down at me playing with my hair "What for?" She asked I looked up at her "For taking care of you both" she smiled softly down at me

"Well that is very sweet of her, She is also right you do a lot for us and I'm very thankful for that. If it wasn't for you we would probably be dead or something" I sighed looking away for a second "I'm sorry I didn- I love you" I cut her off looking right up at her as she just stared at me I was a little worried she smiled wide "I love you too" she leaned down kissing me softly.

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