Chapter 14:I love lothor

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Chapter 14:I love lothor


I was currently standing on the fire academy grounds again but this time I was going to use the balls for the first time.Closing my eyes I made sure that the ball machine was set to fire at any moment.I concentrated and then took one step to the left and raised my hand my shield started then flickered out and hit me in the arm.OUCH! Every time I had tried with the balls I always ended up getting hit instead.It is just so frustrating as I know I can do it when I'm relaxed but I can't do it when I'm concentrating.

I tried 1...2...3...4...5 times and each time I got hit.Luckily where I was hit people shouldn't be able to see the bruises.I tried again...and again...and again and I gave up I had to run out to go to the pro sports cookout thing that as a worker I promised Kelly I'd take part in.This was because lately I had been so busy trying to get this power under control I barely had any time for anything else and I needed a break and Kelly could use the help at the store.

Later at storm chargers

When I got to storm chargers I noticed that the guys were saying something against it when me and Cam walked in."Cam Courtney you're taking cooking."The guys asked me and Cam looked at each other and nodded."Well sensei wanted Cam to get out more and I need to do something with my free time and I do work here and Tori didn't want to do it alone so I think those reasons are enough."Cam nodded his head in agreement at my statement while I was avoiding eye contact with Shane who was still trying to find out where I was going when I wasn't around."Besides it does have its advantages."When everyone had sat down including Kailey who had also agreed to do this cooking class with us Kelly turned the tv she had brought from the back on and put it on the right channel while she began to do some demonstrations.

After she was done we were all aloud to come up and have a taste of the smoothies that she had made.I walked over with Shane and Hunter and took a glass it tasted a little sour like there was something extra in it.As I passed it to Shane I tried to put my finger on why it tasted like that.Shane said something about not liking it very much himself."Here let me try."Hunter suggested a little cautious.After he tried some I took another sip and pointed out to the guys."It's not very sweet is it."I commented to them.

"Nothing will ever be as sweet as you."I did a double take as I heard Shane's voice say that behind me.I looked over to see him watching me no pun intended like a hawk.I was so surprised that I forgot that I was supposed to be avoiding him."Um thanks, I guess."I looked to my other side to also see hunter watching me with a dog drooling look."Why are you looking at me like a lovesick baboon."I asked him but before he could answer Shane did mock him."Because he is one."I looked at Shane in shock.That was uncalled for."Hey,"Hunter growled at Shane with anger in his eyes."Hey monkey boy adults having a conversation here,"and he went to push him he had gotten flour on his hands and now he had gotten it all over Hunter who retaliated with more food.

uh oh."FOOD FIGHT,"someone yelled and next thing I know Kailey and Tori are pulling me under the table and away from the food that was flying everywhere.So the guys particularly Hunter and Shane didn't see us I motioned to the door and we slowly climbed out and ran for the door as quick as we could, and then we were out."What had gotten into those two."I asked the others and they shrugged."We don't know but I'm sure that's not normal."So we carried on walking to get some space."Whatever's I hope I don't see Hunter and Shane again today."I commented.

Later that day

Unfortunately luck was not on my side no sooner had I split up with Tori and Kailey who were headed back to storm chargers to help Kelly clean up after the food fight, did I hear two peoples voices that I really didn't want to hear right now."Jess hey wait up."I heard Hunter's Voice behind me and I turned to see both him and Shane fighting over who gets to me first."Hey Jess I got you a gift just for you."Hunter said and I sighed but smiled as he passed me the bag which I opened and took out a."oh my very own socket wrench set...that's very...,before I could think of an appropriate word Shane spoke up."Pathetic and impersonal I mean any guy knows what a girl really wants,"and pulls something out of the bag he had with him."Acne face cream."

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