Chapter 15 Question of loyalties part 1

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Chapter 15:Question of loyalties part 1

Jess's POV

As I looked around at my teammates I saw different emotions crossing their faces:disbelief, hurt, anger, confusion and more anger.They obviously know that I've been keeping secrets from them as the shield was what I intentionally made and also what Zurgane said.

"After I first used my shield I knew that if I could control it, it would come in handy to be able to protect my team and myself, but to do that I needed to get a handle on it,"At this point I looked at sensei who looked really disappointed at me"But sensei you had forbidden me from using my powers, so I started traveling to the fire and ice academy."as I looked to Kailey I could see hurt and anger in her eyes,I had been traveling to her home and never telling her about it."There are some machines that fire balls at you so you can learn to dodge them, first I learned to create a low level shield that couldn't hurt me when I was relaxed."I glanced at Shane and he had clear anger at me.

"Shane you realized that I was disappearing and even though I wanted to tell you so many times I didn't as I was scared that you would be mad."And now I could see that they were all angry."Which I can tell you all are, but you must understand I didn't keep this to myself for myself I did it as I know that Lothor would be after me more, and now that they have found out I know they will try again."They all stared at me for a few minutes before sensei looked up."You have disobeyed a direct order from me how do we know we can trust you again."I sighed."Look give me a chance you can trust me guys I didn't do it deliberately you have got to believe me.This time it was Shane who spoke this time.

"Bit we don't, and I say till we do you shouldn't have your morpher anymore."I glance at him with wide eyes and noticed a similar looks on all their faces."You can't be serious, guys please don't do this."Sensei sighed."I'm sorry Jessica but I agree with Shane I'm going to have to ask you to give up your morpher,If and when we feel we can trust you again you will get it back, for now you are no longer the pink ranger."I looked at the others and they all nodded their heads.So I walked up to Sensei sighed in defeat and took the strap off my wrist and walked over to Cam who looked at me with sad eyes."I may not be a ranger but in my heart I always will be, you didn't give me my morpher sensei watanabee, sensei koumon did and I know she'd be proud of me today."I told sensei and handed my morpher and then after glancing at the others I walked towards the exit."Don't ask me to come back I need to get over the fact that my friends have abandoned me."and so I flamed back home.

Jess's Father's POV

I had just finished in my lab downstairs and decided to put myself a coffee on.I was planning on heading to Blue Bay Harbor tonight to vist Jessica,I hadn't seen her since her birthday and I really wanted to see how she was doing handling her ranger abilities.If I was being honest to myself I was worried about her being a ranger,I remember what it was like trying to juggle two lives and keep them separate.and these extra powers of hers where did they come from.Just after I had finished my coffee I had heard the front door unlock and open.I decided to investigate I got up from my seat and started to walk towards the kitchen door.Before I had even got near it opened and there stood my daughter eyes red and puffy crying her eyes out looking at me.I was shocked why is she here?What had happened to her.She jumped at me and I opened my arms for her and she jumped into them.I sat back down and sat her on my knee as I started rubbing her back and trying to calm her down."Hey hey hey, come on its ok Jessica...sshh Jessica its ok whatever it is, calme down."After about 10 minutes of constant crying her cries turned to sobs, 5 minutes after that she had completely calmed down and I felt that it was time to ask the obvious question."Jessica what's wrong what's happened."

She goes on to explain to me everything that's happened in the last few weeks.To say the least I am unhappy that team has abandoned her all for one little mistake."Jessica yes you shouldn't have lied but they shouldn't have taken your morpher."She nodded and we both sat there in silence.She nodded and we both sat their in silence.She looked so scared."Can you come to Blue Bay with me tomorrow morpher or no morpher Lothor will still be after me and I'm no match for them."I nodded of course I know she needs someone to be with her and I was gonna go there anyway."Yes we will leave tomorrow,"I looked deep into her eyes."Are you going to be ok with working with the guys probably being there at some point.She nodded."Yeah I can't take it out on Kelly."and I knew she was right.

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