19 - Introducing Celina

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The next time my eyes opened again, they were routinely prepared to see the grotty, moulding ceiling of my cell above me, but instead there was a smooth, crisp whiteness surrounding a glistening, petite, crystal chandelier that had the light coming in from the window shimmering through it, creating rainbow colours in the glass teardrops that were hanging above me. I bolted upright as realisation hit me and I grinned around at my gorgeous bedroom. Pulling off the duvet that had kept me soundly sleeping comfortably all night, I hurried out of bed and relished the feeling of the plush pile on my feet rather than cold, stone cement. I pulled open my balcony doors and stepped out, the view of my new street in the daylight greeting me.

Every house on the street was the exact same as mine, all with perfect, plush gardens and fancy, little family cars. There were some kids out on bikes riding on the road, elderly people were watering their flowerbeds, a fatherly looking man with round glasses and slicked hair was mowing his lawn at the house right across the street from mine, a blonde woman dressed smartly in a pantsuit and heels got out of her Honda and carried her groceries up to her house, greeting the fatherly man over the fence as she did so. It was like something from a really unrealistic, cheesy movie, but it was more than for real, it was happening right in front of me and it was my new life. I wanted to run down into the street and greet all of them, introduce myself and hope to get invited in for coffee, but I knew better. Ollie had said I could converse with my neighbours, but I knew subtle was safer.

I stepped back into my room with a smile on my face, leaving the doors open to let in the cool breeze, feeling safe enough to do so in my little corner of suburbia. I glanced at the alarm clock and gasped as I saw that it was 1pm. 'Shit, I slept late.' It had been 5am when I'd gotten to bed and I had just spent what felt like forever sleeping in a disgusting, cold, stale cell so I knew I'd deserved the rest.

I left my bedroom and walked to the guest room door, tapping lightly on the wood. 'Ollie?' There was no response so I cracked the door open and peeked in, finding the room empty and the bed neatly made. Closing the door again, I pushed away my disappointment; I hadn't expected him to still be in there anyway.

Hurrying to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth with the brand new electric toothbrush that was waiting there for me and I spent more than the required two minutes on them, not taking the simple necessity for-granted at all.

My new iPhone was still laying by the basin where I'd left it last night after my shower and I tapped the screen as I brushed, seeing a text from Ollie, the sight of his name making me smile.

Ollie: Hope you slept well! I left early and returned with your groceries so there is plenty for you in the kitchen. If I can come by tonight after seeing the situation with the Cabreras I will. I have a key so I locked the door - yours is hanging up. Enjoy your day x

My heart soared at the simplicity of having my new phone in my hand as I brushed my teeth carefree and read his kind words. Well...I wasn't exactly carefree but I wasn't up for looking at the negatives right now on my first real day of freedom.

As my gums grew sore, I rinsed and put the toothbrush back on it's charger and headed downstairs. I spotted the door key hanging on a framed plaque of hooks on the wall by the door. Smiling softly, I walked to retrieve it as something pink caught my eye and as I took the key down I noticed a little keychain of a tiny, pink handgun on it. 'Nice choice, Ollie,' I murmured, giggling as I hung it back up.

When I got into the kitchen, I saw something red on the counter and as I got close to it, I noticed it was a cookbook. A post-it note was stuck to the cover.

Bought you a ton of groceries but figured you probably can't cook - now you have all the time in the world to build some real life skills! x

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