New Girl

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Sehun's POV

"Yehet! Oh Ho Rat! " I screamed as I walked down the hallway. Me and Kai just came back from lunch and was heading to Chemistry class.
"Sehun try not to flirt with too many girls today. Because you manage to get us both kicked out" Kai said before he chuckled. "Don't blame me because the girls love me" I said as I walked into the classroom.
The way the classroom is set up, me and Kai sit in the back. Tao wants to be a goody too shoes and sits in the front.
I don't get how he sits in the front of the class,but me and Kai still have better grades than him. I don't understand Tao sometimes.
"Okay class you were supposed to write the 5 paragraph essay as your assignment for homework, will you turn that in please." Mr. Bagswell said.
"O Andwae! (Oh no) I forgot it at home" Tao said loudly.
"That's because you didn't do it" I said as I cupped my my hands around my mouth so I could be heard.
"Shut Up Yes I did Mr. Bagswell " Tao said kissing Mr. Bagwells ass. "It's okay Tao, I'm yous to you missing assignments " Mr. Bagswell said before he took a deep breath. Me and Kai burst out into laughter while Tao turned around and glared at us.
"Aww don't be a mad panda bear" I said after I stopped laughing.
As time passed by in the class and I was talking to my flirt buddies Seong and Seung. Yes folks you have guessed right. Their twins. Hahaha I know, I'm amazing right.
Their just two of many more girls that live their lives based on what I'm doing. Sometimes out of the blue girls would even bring me presents. So I feel like everyday is my birthday. Haha and as it turns out,I might even get more respect around this school than the staff does.
"Sehun oppa what are you doing after school today?" Seung asked in a seductive tone. "Nothing I'm free, what do y'all want to do?"I asked already knowing the answer. These twins did everything together. And when I say everything, I mean everything.
"We'll be at your house around eight o'clock. Be there" Seong said in the same tone as her sister. "You can count on it " I said as I bit my lip and winked. They giggled and started talking amongst themselves.
"Kai ,do you have the answer to number seven?" I said looking over at his paper. "If you were going to look anyway,why did you ask me?" Kai asked jokingly before returning back to his work.
Kai was a popular book worm. He got the girls,but he didn't put them before his grades. But I however, was the complete opposite. I got my work done, but it was always last minute. I would spend my time with my family, the boys or some girls at school who like to have fun. Is you know what I mean. I was rarley alone.
I had started to finally focus on my work within the last twenty minutes of class. The door opened slowly, but I ignored it. I knew if I got distracted it would be hard for me to get back on track. Kai was already finished with his work and he was just sitting there chillin. He elbowed me in my shoulder to get my attention.
"Who's that?" Kai asked before he pointed to the front of the classroom. My eye's followed the direction of his finger when I met the face of a new student.
"Okay class I want everybody to pause from what their doing for a second " Mr Bagswell said. "We have a new student and her names Mina and I would like you guys the be polite and maybe even help her around the school if she needs it."
Most of the males in my class were the main ones offering there assistance. And I don't blame them. Mina was hot, she had honey blonde hair and big eye's. She was definitely attractive. She should know her way around the school by the end of this week.
"Damn she's pretty " Kai whispered to me. "Shes sexy alright. But by the way she's looking at some of the boys in this classroom. She doesn't find most them attractive " I said and laughed a little bit at the end. "Um Mina you can take a seat at the back next to Sehun. " Oh Crap! "Sehun raise your hand" Mr. Bagwells asked as I obliged. I raised my hand and then I heard the twins giggling. I turned my head in their direction and they were staring at me. I gave them a confused look and they just winked at me. At the same time! Now that's twins for you.
Mina walked to the back and sat in the seat next to me. She didn't talk to anyone or try to make conversation. She just sat there texting on her phone. The bell rung shortly after and I walked to the front of the class to hand Mr. Bagswell my work. When I turned around to walk back to my seat, I saw Kai talking to Mina already. I decided to walk up on their conversation anyway.
"Oh Mainhae (Sorry) I have to be somewhere early next class " Kai said. "Okay, thank you anyway Kai " Mina said while she was walking towards the door.
"Wait! " Kai shouted making me flinch. "My friend Sehun has the same class that you do next period. You should let him walk you" Kai suggested. "Do you mind?" Mina asked me. "No I don't, we could go now if you like" I said putting on my gentleman act. "Yeah sure" Mina said as she waited for me to catch up so I could lead the way.

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