Broken Promises

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Sehun's POV

It was now Wenseday morning. And I just finished putting on my uniform. Kyungsoo told us that he wasn't making breakfast for us today. So now we have to fend for ourselves.
I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen to get some cereal. Everyone was down there besides Luhan and Kris.
Since they're out of college, they already left for work. So it was just the ten of us.
"Have any of you seen Mina lately?" Lay asked. And I froze at the sound of her name. Its been two days since she's been to school. But i kinda predicted her absence, so i wasn't to surprised.
"Not lately, which is weird. But why?" Baekhyun asked. "Because she just posted a picture on social media " Lay said staring into his phone. "Mwo? (What) what did it say ?" Baekhyun asked. By that time everyone was over there looking at Lays phone besides me. I just sat at the counter eating my cereal.
"It says "Minschi works wonders. New hair, new me" " Lay read. "Whoa she looks pretty " Xiumin said with his eyes stretched wide. "Yeah, a lot prettier than usual" Kai added while he smirked. I felt my blood starting boil at the comment.
I know I basically messed things up with Mina and I but that doesn't mean I still don't care about her. I just did what any man would do in my situation. Just maybe not to the extreme lengths that I went to.
"Look Sehun" Chen said showing me the picture. And in an instant,my heart stopped. She looked stunning. But yet she didn't look happy. And I knew the reason why all to well.
"We need to go. I can't afford to be late for my exam" Tao said grabbing his bag in a hurry. "Why, it's not like your going to pass" I said before me and Kai started laughing.

We got to school right on time. I walked into Mr. Bagswell class with my poker face. Just in case Mina was in class already. But she wasn't, so I took my seat a lot happier than I would've earlier.
The class was going on and Mina still wasn't here. But that's none of my concern anymore, so I decided to distract myself with the twins. All we did was flirt like we always did. But this time it didn't feel the same. I just wasn't interested in them anymore.
"Sehun, we're coming over your house today so be there" Seung said biting her lip. "No" I said frowing with my poker face. "What? " Seong asked. "I said No, I don't want y'all to come over my house" I said. "Oh I get it,you want us to meet you somewhere else don't you?" Seong said smiling. But my facial expression didn't change. "I don't want to meet you guys anywhere else either. You guys are played out and I'm tired of talking to y'all. So let's cut whatever we got going on here. Off." I said looking at the both of them. "Do you know what you've just done. Your going to regret doing this to the hottest twins on campus" Seung said with attitude. "Trust me,this is not one of my biggest regrets " I said before the bell rung for lunch. I stood up and left the twins there with their mouths gaping open.
I sat at the lunch table with no type of appetite. I had already gotten my lunch, but I was just sitting there picking with it. I don't know what's happening to me. I usually bounce back from stuff like this.
"Guess who's here!" Baekhyun said walking to the table with Mina behind him. My eyes grew big and I felt my heart drop. I didn't think she was here today. What am I supposed to do now?
"Noona!" Tao cheered. And Mina smiled. The smile that I missed seeing so much. I only wish that I was the one who made her do it. "Look at the happy couple" Chanyeol said. I wanted to glare at him for saying such a thing. But I knew I had to keep up the i don't care act. So I just sat there and started to eat my food and play a game on my phone. I would look up every once and a while. And I would see Mina laughing and leaning into Baekhyun while doing so.
Was she trying to make me jealous. I know we never officially dated but still. That doesn't give her the right to do that. I tried to shrug it off. But it was starting to get impossible to do.
"You guys really do look like a couple now that Chanyeol said something" Suho said. And everyone hummed in agreement. I looked up and saw that Mina was looking at me. We made brief eye contact before she turned and looked at Baekhyun.
"We do don't we oppa" Mina said before giving him a Peck on the cheek. And at that point, I knew what she was trying to do. And although I probably deserve it. All it did was make me mad. And I started to talk without thinking first.
"I'm about to be sick" I said glaring at the both of them. All the others started laughing. But Mina knew that I was serious. "Your not going to get sick. Stop exaggerating. " Baekhyun said. "Yeah you have to eat in order to throw up." Mina said darting her eyes at my almost full and untouched tray. And at that point, I was officially pist off. "I'm pretty sure you would know, wouldn't you Mina" I said smirking at her. And her facial expression quickly changed. She began to tear up and then she ran out of the lunch room.
Baekhyun got up and ran after her while the other members looked at me.
"What the hell Sehun?" Tao asked loudly before he got up and ran out of the lunch room to. I just shrugged my shoulders before the lunch bell rang. I then got up and left the rest of the boys without saying anything.
They don't know that me and Mina yous to have a thing so I wouldn't expect any of them to understand. I know that now I won't have to worry about Mina ever talking to me again. Because I did something that's unforgivable.

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