Waking Up

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Mina's POV

I woke up in an unknown room that I didn't recognize. I tried to sit up but someone pushed me back down. Then I looked over to my right to see Sehun looking at me in a worried manner.
Then I started to remember why I was in the nurse's office.
Sehun really hit me with the volleyball. I didn't know that this guy took the game that serious. Like I wou-
"I'm sorry " Sehun said interrupting my thoughts. "What? " I asked sitting up. "I said I'm Sorry, I got a little to over competitive today " Sehun said like he cared. And it took me back a little. I wasn't expecting him to feel that bad.
"It's okay, accidents happen right " I said smiling. But it quickly went away when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head. I squeezed my eye's shut until it eased up.
"Are you okay?" He asked scooting up. But I didn't respond. I just sat there with my eye's shut until the pain went away.
When I opened my eye's Sehun wasn't there anymore. "What the-- I'm loosing it" I said outloud. The volleyball must've hit me hard if I'm imagining things now. I tried to get off the bed when someone walked back into the room.
"Hey take this, this should help with the pain" Sehun said handing me two orange pills and a cup of water.
So he was really here. It's more than obvious now that I should go home. I gradually took the water and pills. I put the cup on a desk beside the bed and stood up.
There was this hand mirror on the desk. And when I sat my cup on it,I saw my reflection. And I noticed I had a little bruise. I quickly picked up the mirror and brought it close to my face.
"Oh my " I said looking at it. Thankfully it wasn't that noticeable. Sehun just stood on the other side of the bed staring at me. And to be honest, it was getting kind of weird.
"Thanks for your help, but I'm going to get to class now." I said while putting the mirror back on the table. "Are you sure your fine, you know considering ..." Sehun said before pointing to my bruise. "It's not that bad,I can mange " I replied. And then I heard the second to last bell ring.
I looked down to see my stuff. So I picked it up and was about to leave. Until I turned back around to Sehun
"You should get to class to. I'm pretty sure you can't afford to be late" I said before turning back around and walking. "What is that supposed to mean?" I heard Sehun say but It didn't stop me from making my way to my next period.
I walked into my Trigonometry class and found a seat in the back of the class. I sat down and looked around the classroom, to see if I saw anybody I knew.
Since I've been here,the only people I know is Baekhyun,Sehun, Kai, Tao. And their squishy friend Kyungsoo aka D.O. His eye's were so adorable,it made him look like a little Teddy bear. Not to mention that his cheeks felt like marshmallows.
I scanned the room but to my dismay. I didn't see anybody I knew. I was officially solo, well that was until this girl tapped my shoulder.
"Hi are you the new transfered student?" She asked sweetly. "Yes I am " I said back nicely. "Oh well hi I'm Kimmy " she said as she stuck her hand out. "Hi I'm Mina, nice to meet you" I said before shaking her open hand. "Same here" she smiled back. Aww everyone here seemed so nice. It was almost unreal. But I'm glad that my welcome was a positive one. I hope it stays like this for a while.

Kimmy's POV

After Sehun left before his class, I felt a combination of anger and sadness. "Why does he keep denying his feelings for me?"I asked outloud. After that I decided to skip my next class and wonder around the campus.
A couple minutes went by as I was ditching class. And I couldn't stop thinking about Sehun. I know I mean more to him than he portrays. I just know I do.
I was to zoned out until I walked past some big windows that showed the soccer and track field. And I also saw Sehun outside. I smiled when I saw his face but it faded quickly when I saw him holding some girl in his arms. "He's cheating on me?" I asked outloud.
He was walking to the door that I was standing near by so I ran to a trash can and hid behind it. He was walking toward the nurse's office so I decided to follow him. I snuck into the office and lied to the nurse telling her that I was having cramps. She left and went to go get Advil from the medicine cabinet. And as soon as she left,I went and peeped into the back room.
"Aish what have I done " I heard Sehun say. He was looking at the girl while she was... sleeping I guess. He even moved some hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.
"That bastard " I whispered before I heard the nurse walking back to the front desk. I scurried back to the front so she didn't see me spying into the back room. She gave me what I came to get. And I left after that.
Who is that girl? I thought.
Time passed and the bell rung for our third period. I walked into my trigonometry class and sat in my regular seat and waited for class to start. But to my surprise,I saw that girl that Sehun was carrying walk into the classroom. And she even took the seat next to mine. And I thought it was the perfect time to find out who she was.
"Hi are you the new transferred student? " I asked trying to sound nice. "Yes I am" the girl said smiling. Ugkh! "Oh well hi I'm Kimmy" I said extending my hand. Secretly hoping she would say her name. "Hi I'm Mina, nice to meet you" Mina said shaking my hand."Same here" I said back.
Mina huh? All I know is she better watch her back when it comes to my Sehun. Or someone could get hurt.
I smiled deviously and turned around before our teacher started talking.

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