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Sehun's POV

Monday it's Monday. Just great, I didn't do any of my assigned homework. But that's what Kai's for. Ill just copy off of him when I get to class.
I walked down stairs with my uniform on. I met faces with each of the guys and they all seemed chiper. I was the only one dreading school.
"Why the long face maknae?" Xiumin asked before spooning cereal into his mouth. I just looked at him with the 'you know why' face and he quickly caught on. But for those who didn't, Tao spoke up.
"Sehun doesn't want to go to school like always. He just wants to fail at life" He teased before smiling to himself. "Shut up peasant, the only person failing at life is you and your low average" I said back. And that shut him up quickly. While the other members laughed at my true statement.
I scanned the room and found someone missing.
"Hey where's Baekhyun hyung?" I asked looking at no one in particular. "He said he wasn't feeling well and that he will be staying home from school today" Suho said.
I nodded my head slowly in suspicion. Baekhyun seemed fine yesterday. Why all the sudden doesn't he feel well? But who knows, he might have one of those over night colds.
I was about to drop the topic when something else seemed out of place. How could Baekhyun catch a cold when it's warm outside? Something doesn't feel right. I-
"Come on Sehun or we're going to be late" Luhan said rushing me. "Okay I'm coming " I said before grabbing my things. And proceding out of the door.

The bell rung for history class and I went early. Usually Mina would be there earlier than everyone else. So I thought a little alone time with her wouldn't hurt. Ever since she ran away after the kiss we shared Friday. I wanted to talk to her. Mina's the only girl I know who would run away after she willingly kissed me back. I knew she wanted me. And there was no hiding it now.
I turned the corner to the classroom and it was empty. Mina wasn't there. I shrugged it off thinking that she would be any second now. But yet I was wrong again. Class soon started after my waiting and Mina still wasn't here.
I was looking at her empty seat unknowingly before Kai snapped me out of my gaze."What are you looking at?" He asked. "Nothing I was just day dreaming " I said frowning. He looked at me oddly before he went back to the lesson. But I wasnt interested like always so I put my headphones in and drifted to sleep.

"SEHUN WAKE UP!!!" I heard someone yell before I sat up quickly. And it was the one and only Mr. Bagswell looking me in my face. I rolled my eyes and put my head back down. But I still felt his presence there like he didn't leave. So I reluctantly lifted my head up. "Thank you" He said before turning on his heel and walking away. I looked at the board and saw Mr. Bagswell writing something that we already went over.
So I looked over to Kai and he was doodling in his notebook. "Kai when do we have our presentation for the project we had to do" I asked. "Its next week on Tuesday" he said back. I silently nodded. "So did you and Mina get far on the project. Or did you have her do the work like you always do with girls" Kai asked smirking at me. " No I did half while she did the other" I said. And Kai looked at me with wide eyes. "Looks like my little Sehun is growing up" he said before pinching my cheeks and laughing. I jerked away from his grip frowning.
"We're the same age " I said back. "But I'm a couple months ahead of you." Kai said rubbing it in my face.

School ended and I was driving home. But the car ride was much quieter with Baekhyun being 'sick' and all. I pulled in the driveway and unlocked the door to the house. I walked up to my room but something told me to peek in Baeks room just to see if he was lying about being sick or not. So I followed my instinct and walked up to his door. I didn't bother to knock so I just walked in. Like the rude Maknae I know I am. But I didn't see him.
"Baekhyun" I said calling him. But I didn't hear anything back. Where did he go, I thought he was sick. I was going to walk down stairs and tell everyone but before I could get to them. He came walking through the door.
"Where were you at?" Chen asked loudly causing everyone to give their attention to Baekhyun. "I went to the doctor because I was having a horrible migraine" Baekhyun said before walking past me up to his room and shuting the door. Everyone in the living room went back to what they we're doing.
Maybe I'm over reacting. Baekhyun could really not feel well and I'm over thinking things.

Baekhyun's POV

I shut my door fast hoping that no one was coming after me. I took the robe I had on off and tried to hurry and change out of my regular clothes. Me and Mina went to the mall and movies today. She didnt want to stay in the house all day so we came up with something fast to do. We were planning something better to do but everything didn't go as planned.


I got dressed and drove to Mina's house after everyone left for school. I walked up and knocked on the door. The door opened up to someone who looked similar to her.
"Hello are you Mina's sister" I asked in all honesty. The anonymous lady started to giggle and blush. I didn't know if I said something wrong but that wasnt the reaction I was looking for. Maybe she couldn't help but blush at the sight of the marvelous byun before her.
"Aniyo I'm Mina's mother Lisa." Mina's mom said before Mina stepped in front of her. "Hey Baek, mom we're going to find something to do. See ya" Mina said before she tried to hurry up and leave but her mom stopped her.
"You must be Mina's boyfriend ,come in and have a seat" Lisa said before pushing me into the house.


To make a long story short. Me and Mina had to basically sneak away from her mom. But since she thought i was Mina's boyfriend. She wouldn't let me leave. Despite the fact that I told her that I wasn't. So I eventually gave and up and lied to say that I was. It was the only way she would let us leave. By the time we left the house. We hurried up and came up with something to do on spot.
Yes today was extremely weird.

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