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"Have you faced demons before?"

Yoohan blinked, before frowning and stood up. "No." he stared at the Lord Priest who looked at him with an expression saying 'well, this is them,' and called the twins over. "Call His Highness," he ordered Albert who swiftly pulled out a communication plate, ordered Alfred to secure the room with other guards, and faced Terragin. "Can all priests sense demons?"

The Lord Priest nodded. "Sense them, yes. But they can't attack, only the third order could,"

The Third Order was the one consisted of combat priests—the monks—but aside from the two designated as Terragin's guard, they were usually on duty throughout the Empire. "I can call them here, but it'll take time."

"What about defense?"

"Well, all clergymen should have an ability to sense and defend against demons, so even the one from the kingdom should be able to," Terragin explained, nodding towards the Cardinal that already arrived by their side.

The old man glanced at Yoohan's eye, which was still flashing the star like an alarm. "Is there something amiss?"

"Demons," Terragin answered shortly, prompting the Cardinal's eyes to open wide. But before the Cardinal could demand an explanation, the Lord Priest signaled him to be quiet, as Yoohan finally got connected with the Prince.

[Yoohan?] there was apparent concern within the Prince's voice.

"Jay, is the palace alright?"

There was a slight pause as the Prince proceeded to ask for any report, before answering. [Nothing out of place so far. Why?]

"Alright, listen to me." Yoohan took a deep breath, and tried to speak as clearly and calmly as possible. "I sense something, my divinity is responding. We have guessed that it comes from demons. No one else can sense it yet, so I guessed it is still in the middle of summoning, or there's something powerful veiling the demonic energy. But soon others would be able to feel it, I think, at least the clergymen. Also, this is new to me, and I can't pinpoint the source. I just feel that it comes from the underground."

There was another pause, and a deafening silence. During Yoohan's exposition, the other murmuring representatives had stopped talking to listen to the Sacred Knight, and now all attention was back towards the head of the table.

[...Haa...] Jay's intense sigh could be heard from the plate. [I know people are prone to stupidity, but I underestimated how stupid they can be.]

Yoohan pressed his lips. "Uh, sure."

[I probably know who's the one behind this. I'll send the red team on the move and try to evacuate people. Are Lord Terragin and the Cardinal with you?]

"Your Highness," Terragin spoke, informing his presence.

[Ah, good. Can you spare the priests you bring and direct them to each conference hall? Preferably those who can erect barriers. Please form a team with the highest detection skills. I will send a scout team to join yours and secure the source of this tomfoolery.]


"What about us, Prince?" The Cardinal stepped up as soon as Terragin moved to coordinate the priests.

[Ah, Your Eminence. If you would be so kind as to move your men to the great hall, I would be grateful.]

The Cardinal frowned, a trace of disappointment could be felt in his reply. "You don't want our help, Your Highness? I know we were enemies before, but—"

"No," the Cardinal turned his head at the Sacred Knight's voice; the young man was closing his eyes and frowning, hand massaging his abdomen. "He means he wants your help in the great hall, Your Eminence. He's going to gather people there for safety."

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