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"What are you working on there?"

Yoohan looked up from his notebook and stopped his scribbling, staring at the man who had just come through his balcony door as if he was a phantom thief rather than the honorable Crown Prince of Corvarrion. The cold wind blasted through the opening and brought the snow sliding into the floor. The same snow was piling on top of the Prince's dark locks and black cloak.

Crazy bastard!

"Are you nuts?!" Yoohan jumped out of the bed, snatching the towel Albert provided for him near the washbasin. He strode towards the man that had just taken off his wet cloak and let the fabric fall into the floor with a splashing sound. With gritted teeth and furrowed brow, he draped the towel into Jay's hair and started to dry it furiously. "What the hell are you doing coming over in the middle of heavy snow?"

"To see you, of course," Jay smiled, letting Yoohan berate him while stroking his hair and his face with the towel. The younger man seemed to forget that Jay could dry himself with magic. But the Prince had no intention of reminding him that, savoring the touch and the rare concern.

"But it's snowing!" Yoohan hissed and touched Jay's cheeks, voice turned softer. "You're cold."

"All the more reason," The Prince smiled deeply, and brought Yoohan into a tight embrace, burying his face in the younger's hair. "'re so warm, darling."

Yoohan, the connoisseur of fire magic, sighed and circled his arms on the man's back. He raised his own temperature to warm the Prince even more, who sighed contentedly while tightening his embrace.

"I have to come tonight, no matter what," Jay muttered on Yoohan's neck.

"Why? You can't sleep?" Yoohan brushed the sneaking snow that had swirled onto Jay's shirt.

There was a chuckle, before the Prince pulled away, hands circling Yoohan's waist. "That too, but today is the day I had you in my arms again,"

Yoohan frowned in confusion, but then the snow outside the window suddenly reminded him of a day at the Helmdam Fortress. Of the second time they met, the second time they kissed. Of the whole situation that enable them to be as they were right now. A surge of heat crept into his cheek, and he got warm even without using magic.

"You should drink something warm. Let me ring—hey!" Yoohan said bashfully, but immediately grunted as his body was being lifted easily by the smirking Prince.

"No," Jay pecked the younger's lips lightly. "Don't ring anyone. I don't want any disturbance."

"It's just asking for a drink," Yoohan rolled his eyes. "It'll only take a few seconds."

"But then I will have to wait until the drink arrived before I can start undressing you," Jay said while walking into the bed carrying Yoohan as if the younger man weighed nothing.

Yoohan hit Jay's shoulder instead. "Who says you can undress me? It's cold!"

"Oh, what? So you're going to undress me instead?"

"You're impossible!"

"It's one of my talents," Jay smirked, infuriatingly. Infuriatingly handsome. Made Yoohan's heart beat fast like a hopeless idiot in loved and longing. And with their position, Jay could hear it clearly, which prompted the man to smirk smugly.

"If we're cold," Jay put Yoohan down on the bed, and hovered above him. "We should do something exciting to warm our body,"

"Like drinking something warm?" Yoohan replied cheekily.

"Hmm," Jay smiled and kissed the cheeky lips. "I'd rather drink you," he whispered, chuckling.

"Hey!" Yoohan smacked the grinning man.

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