Chapter 1: "It's an emergency."

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The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes and looked outside the window was the sunny blue sky. There was not one cloud visible, which was surprising because yesterday it was drizzling.

But today's weather didn't match how I was feeling. Because the way I was feeling was anything from sunny and joyful.

I heard the door open and saw a nurse entering my plain hospital room. At first, she didn't even notice that I was awake as she continued reading her notepad, but then she looked up and gasped.

"Oh, you are awake," she stated while coming towards me. "How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain?"

That's when I realized that my whole left arm was hurting. I slowly raised it up to properly look at it and noticed the cotton crepe bandages wrapped around my wrist. There were some scratches and burn marks too, but nothing major.

"Only your wrist is hurting then?" The nurse noted, then gave me a small smile. "Falling from the second floor can generally break more bones, but you were lucky to fall in the bushes."

I frown at the last part.

If I had been truly lucky, I shouldn't even be in the hospital right now.

I'm once more left alone in the room after the nurse mentioned calling my doctor.

The only thing I was feeling at the moment was sorrow. There was a hollowness in my heart, and the memory of what had happened itched in my brain forever.

"Run, Annie! Run!"

That was the last thing she said to me. More like, she shouted at me as a knife was held against her throat. The flames had started covering us from all sides, making it harder to breathe, but she still managed to scream. Her words were still echoing in my ears, and her face full of regret was what I could still see when I closed my eyes.

"Ms. Grace, it's good to see you are awake."

I opened my eyes and turned towards the door again to see a doctor, the nurse from before, and an unknown lady enter the room.

The lady seemed to be someone professional, wearing a simple blue shirt tucked into her trousers. She had a kind face, tanned skin, and glasses on her nose. She was looking at me in concern and was carrying some files in her hands.

"My name is Jonathan Potts." The doctor introduced himself with a smile, showing me his ID for a second. "I'm the one who treated you when you were brought in. As long as you are here, you will be under my observation. I'll also be the one to grant you discharge."

He waited for me to say something, but I stayed quiet, looking at him for a moment. Then I turn towards the water jug kept on the table beside me.

"You want to sit up?" The nurse asked, taking a few steps. "It will be easier for you to drink the water."

I nodded slowly, so the nurse pressed a button, and the bed started to move me up. Once I was neatly seated, she poured some water into a glass and helped me take a few sips.

"Ms. Grace, may I ask how you are feeling?"

I heard the doctor say, but I kept quiet and looked out at the sunny sky again.

"Doctor, can I try to talk with her?" I heard a new voice, mostly the professional lady's, but didn't hear any reply. The doctor must've nodded because I noticed her moving towards me from the corner of my eye.

"Anna?" I heard her and turned to look at her. She smiled softly and kept one hand on my not-injured arm. "Hey, I'm Emilia Calder, and I'm here to help you too. You can speak freely with us."

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