Chapter 28: "Okay, as you say."

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"Hey baby, are you awake?"

Justin's soft voice broke through my small slumber-full pity party. I knew he had came to check in earlier as well in the afternoon, but I had faked being asleep. Now I knew I can't hide forever, and moreover my stomach was making noises that only food could calm down.

That's why I turned over towards my open bedroom door. Light streamed into the dark room highlighting Justin's silhouette in the doorway. It must've been dinner time now because he was holding a tray in his hands. I could even smell lasagna distinctly.

"Oh good, I brought you dinner." He stepped into my room and turned on the lights before keeping the plate on my nightstand. I blinked up at the sudden brightness and sat up on my bed. "Get up and go wash your face first."

After getting freshen up in my bathroom, I walked back into my room to see Justin waiting for me.

"C'mere, sit beside me. I haven't seen you since the morning."

It was easy to guess what he wanted to talk about, and even if I didn't, I still climbed up and sat beside him against my headboard. He handed me the plate of the delicious looking lasagna with a smile.

My stomach rumbled in response, and I quickly took the first bite to calm it down.

"If you were that hungry you could've just come downstairs. I was home since afternoon and would've made you something else."

I shrugged in response and continued eating. Justin put his arm around my shoulder and started playing with my hair. He combed it with his fingers, giving a calming touch.

"I had a feeling that you didn't wanted to talk today, so I brought you dinner upstairs. Travis just got home too, and we all will also eat dinner once he freshens up."

I nodded, eating my food quietly.

"Others told me what happened with the girl." He mentioned and I paused eating. "What she said to you."

Ofcourse they would find out. The news would've spread like a wildfire, and knowing the twins and Oliver's popularity it would've easily reached them.

I didn't even wanted to think about their reactions. Each and everyone must've been so surprised, then they would've wanted to know why I did it. I'm pretty sure there would be a video passing around of me punching Zoe.

"Whatever she said was very wrong, and I understand your reaction to her words. I wouldn't have let anyone degrade my mother too, so no one here is angry with your actions, okay? I want you to know that first."

Deep inside, I knew they wouldn't be angry with me. Travis' words to me were clear: not angry, just disappointed.

"Second thing," He continued and I resumed eating my dinner. "The therapy you are starting next week, it's because we think you haven't gotten the chance to talk about your feelings, to share your thoughts after everything that has happened since July. We waited because we thought you would be more comfortable talking with us first. But you didn't, and enough time has passed. We have been worried about you, so now we want what's best for you, okay?"

If only it's that easy to talk.

"It's not because we think something is wrong with you, but because we know you didn't wanted to react the way you did. Travis tells me you didn't speak to him when he brought you home. Now as well, you've been quiet the whole time. This isn't good for you, and neither to the people who love you."

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