Chapter 19: "So you know who Team Rocket is, right?"

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"What about this one?"

I looked up to see Justin holding a pink backpack with glittery pattern on it. I must've made a face, because Justin chuckled and took it back to its isle.

Looking through the list of the books required, I picked 'Pre-Algebra' and 'Earth Science' when Oliver came towards me with a set of notebooks and some pens in hand. The books displayed a pretty purple-pink sky on the front while the pens were black.

"I don't think I'm going to need that many pens." I told Oliver, who just shrugged and tried to take the books I was carrying. I turned away and pushed his hands, at which he frowned. "Let me carry these, at least. They aren't heavy."

It has been 2 days since I was discharged from the hospital, and more than a week since the attack. The pain in my shoulder was non-existent, but the boys were still treating me as a delicate doll.

As we still needed to buy things for school, Justin had brought Oliver and me to the mall. The twins joined us too later and were now shopping for 'cool school fits' somewhere in nearby shops. I also needed to shop for some outfits, as Justin had mentioned, but I still don't understand why I required so many.

"You don't mind the color green, right?" We turned to see Justin holding a pretty and simple olive green color backpack. It has drawstrings and buckle pattern in the front and looked super cool.

"This one's good." I replied, smiling at Justin who grinned at me.

Once Justin paid for all of mine and Oliver's stuff, we made our way to Forever 21 where I spotted Lucas skimming through some men's shirts.

"Louie, hey!" I ran to him and held up the backpack. "Look what Justin got me!"

"Awesome color, kiddo." He replied, then showed me the hoodies he had selected. "Get yourself hoodies too. We can match once a week then."

On my way to the girls' section, I spotted Logan too and saw him holding a black leather jacket while talking with the clerk lady. She was clearly flirting with him, showing her cleavage as if she wasn't 10 years older than him. He had his neutral face on, not giving away anything.

"Lolo!" I shouted to him and he rolled his eyes before glancing at me. The lady observed his reaction and gave me a stink-eye too as I approached them.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" She started scolding me as I stood before them. "This is a business place, not a playground. Stop disturbing the customers here, brat."

I looked down at my shoes, feeling a pang of embarrassment for being called on for disturbing the atmosphere of the store. I was about to apologize for my behavior but someone unexpectedly put their arm around my shoulders.

"You need to watch your language." It was Logan who was now glaring at her with me beside him. "I suggest you to apologize to my sister for your 'brat' remark. She is still a kid, and was just excited to show me what she bought and didn't realized her volume was high. There was no need to call her names."

"But... but you looked annoyed by her." The lady started protesting. "So I thought she was just a random girl annoying you."

"The only one annoying me is you. So I suggest you apologize to her right now, or else I would gladly mention to your manager about your over-friendly ways of treating customers like me. We will see then what he has to say about your pedophile ways, Ma'am."

I added the word 'pedophile' to my mental notepad under 'search on Google later' list as the lady looked taken back by Logan's words. She then turned her attention towards me again.

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