Flu Matt

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Summery: our boy Matty B gets the flu from Chris and gets even sicker than him!

It took three days for Chris to get better. Three horrible days full of forced medicine being crammed down Chris's throat, crying, and cuddling. When Chris finally felt better, Matt got sick. Way sicker then Chris did.

The headache and stomachache hit Matt in the middle of the day while watching TV with Nick and Chris. "Chrissy, turn the volume down," Matt whined 30 minutes later, when he couldn't handle the noise anymore. Instantly, Chris's hand went to his forehead. Matt leaned into Chris's cool hand. "You're burning up Matty, I think you caught what I had," Chis sighed in sympathy. Matt groaned and shoved his hand away and buried his face in Chris's neck. He felt safe and he smelled good, he smelled familiar.

"Ill make some soup," Nick said, turning the volume down. Chris scrolled on his phone with one hand and rubbed Matt's sweaty back with the other one. Matt started to whine and hold his cramping stomach. "Chris, my tummy really hurts, help," he whined. Chris slipped his hand under his brothers shirt and rubbed his stomach in slow soft circles. "Damn Matty, your stomach is tight," Chris whistled. Matt's whimpered and curled into Chris more.

"Poor baby, don't worry me and Nick will take care of you," Chris cooed. Normally, Matt would scowl at Chris for babying him, but right now he couldn't care less. (He also welcomed it and felt comforted by it but Chris didn't need to know that.) Nick came back in a few minutes later with a small bowl of soup.

"Okay, soup time Matty!" Nick said, rubbing his back. Chris felt Matt's stomach gurgle and twist under his palm. Matt took a shaky breath, "yeah maybe not now," Chris said, cringing. "Thanks Nicky, put it on the coffee table I might have some later," Matt said. Nick set it down and sat back down.

"Hey sweetheart, do you need a bucket?" Chris asked gently, feeling Matt's stomach gurgle and tighten more. "Maybe," Matt whispered. "Nick can-" "on it," Nick said, jogging into the kitchen. Matt started to sob. He HATED throwing up! With a passion. "Baby, whats wrong? Shhh calm down," Chris soothed. "I don't wanna get sick,"

Chris should've known, his brother hated throwing up. Chris just rubbed his stomach and whispered encouraging things. Nick came back with a large cooking bowl. "Here babe, put this under your chin," Chris said.

Matt felt bile rise but swallowed it. He gagged harshly but again, he swallowed it. "Matty, you need to throw up, don't force it back down honey," Nick said, rubbing circles on his back. Matt shook his head, shaking violently. Chris sighed and pressed on the center of his stomach, Matt yelped and clenched his teeth. "Matt, you need to throw up, if you won't throw up on your own, I'll help you," Chris said. Matt's teeth started chattering as he took deep breaths. 

"Matt, just relax your body and let it happen honey, you'll be okay," Nick soothed. Matt shook his head as tears streamed down his flushed cheeks. "Alright sweetheart, I'm going to help you now," Chris said pressing on his stomach again. Matt tried so hard to hold it in but just couldn't. It seemed never ending. Chris was holding his hair back and rubbing his back, Nick was holding the bucket and telling him he would be okay. Matt spit in the bucket, breathing hard. "you done babe?" Nick asked. "yeah," Matt panted. Nick set the bucket on the coffee table 

"ow," Matt whined. "Whats up?" Chris asked gently. "its hurts to breathe," Matt rasped, curling up against Chris's chest again. Nick and Chris looked at each other with slight concern. they would have to watch him. But nothing would happen to Matt, not with his brothers around.


lol next part is where his sickness gets scary

if u couldn't tell Matt has pneumonia and will indeed get worse 

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