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Fighting with mental illness is defiantly my biggest out of all my battles that I have on the daily basis but coming to terms with it is the biggest part of the struggle and having to teach myself the best way to deal with it. Now don't get me wrong in my defense I could get help but I'm just like everyone else and think I can handle all my problems on my own which isn't  the best mindset to have but its mind. The biggest out of my mental struggles is my ADHD mixing with the voices in my head which lucky they aren't that loud but they are always there and most of the time I'm more then good at blocking them out but it tends to draw my attention sometimes and tend to cause me to loose focus even during important task.  Aside from that I am diagnosed with DID and BPD now my BPD has a rough mix with the voices in my hand when it flairs up I'm very much instantly in to a manic episode no matter where  I am at which is the something that doesn't happen too often now but still worries me. So about my DID I don't switch too often per say maybe like 4/5 times a month most of my alters are perfectly fine I do have roughly 2 that I know off that my protectors look out for so hopefully they don't front for long if they get the chance at all the worse time one of them fronted was when I was being bullied and school I guess I got into a fight and when I came back into it I was in the middle of being on top him trying to gouge his eyes out thankfully a stranger stopped me a the time.

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