A Nice Night View🌌✨ (Chapter 8)

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( ¡ Remember this is my Au so if there is something different from the original story / video just let it be because this is my Au ! )

( Tomorrow )

Otto's POV:

I wake up and look at the clock and the clock shows it's 05:00 AM, So I came out of Tit and my room.

( End of Otto's POV )

Otto: ( Wake up ) Umm .. What time is it ? ( look at the clock ) Ohh it's still 5 AM huh ? Well I guess I'm gonna go out to get a fresh air( go towards the door, open the door, and close the door )

🖤 In outside of Otto and Tit's Room 💙

Otto: [ Hmm .. I wonder if Lay still sleep or already awake .. ] ( go towards to Lay's room ) [ Huh ? The door is open ? Let me see .. Huh Lay is not here .. I guess I'm gonna go to the living room .. ]

. At Living Room .

Lay: ( Watch some videos on the TV )
Otto: Morning Lay, you already up huh ?
Lay: Ohh, goodmorning Otto! Hehe yeah ..

Otto: Hmm, I thought you still sleep .. When did you wake up ?

Lay: Ohh I've been up since 04:30 AM
Otto: Wow so early ..
Lay: So Otto .. I want to ask you something ..

Otto: Okay, go on ..
Lay: Are you .. " A Magician " ?
Otto: ( Shock ) H - How .. HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MAGICIAN !!? ( Use his magic and makes Lay up )

Lay: ( Shock ) W - Wait! L - Let me explain! Please put me down!

?: ( Throwing a pillow )
Otto: ... ( Fall to the floor )
Lay: ( Fall to the floor )
Tit: Otto! Why are you doing ?? This is still morning! Don't make me mad!

Otto: S - Sorry Tit ..
Tit: ... ( Looking at Lay ) Oh my gosh, Lay! Are you alright ?? Sorry about that!

Lay: A - Agh .. Yeah, it's okay! I'm the one who ask him though ..

Otto: Lay, sorry about that ..
Lay: Yeah, it's okay ..
Tit: Huh ? Ask about what ?
Lay: ... ( Little scared )
Tit: H - Hey don't worry, I will never do that to you!

Lay: ...
Otto: We'll he's ask, "Are you a magician ?" we'll I'm shock and accidentally make him up ..

Tit: Ohh, if you want the answers .. Yeah, we are a magician .. But how do you know about a magician ?

Lay: We'll you guys are my friends, and we already tell our secrets to each other maybe I can trust for this one .. But promise don't tell anyone about this including Kye too ..

Tit: Alright!
Otto: Okay ..
Lay: ( Sigh ) So my mom is a secret agents of Magician for a few years ago, her name is "_____" ..

Tit: What's, she's your mom !? That's so amazing! I hear she's the strongest of the agents in there!

Otto: Yeah I hear it too ..
Lay: Yeah thanks, but she's not a agent anymore .. She's already passed away for a few years ago ..

Tit: ( Shock ) What ? I'm so sorry for asking about that Lay ..

Otto: ( Kinda shock )
Lay: H - Hey it's okay! It's been along time thought! So just forget what am I saying alright ? I'm gonna take some foods if you want, oh! And get ready for going to YeosM's house!

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