Let's Have Fun For a Bit Now~ (18+/Chapter 15)

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¡Warning!: - Kiss Scenes !!
                   - 18+ Scenes !!

Tommorow(In the morning)

Kye and Lay: Zzz... Zzz.. Zzz.
Kye: *Wake up(open his eyes a bit) and stared at Lay* ...

Lay: Zzz... Zzz.. Zzz.
Kye: *Smiling and blushing.*
*Kiss Lay's forehead* ...

Lay: *Smiling while sleeping* Zzz... Zzz.. Zzz.

Kye: *Get up and want to go to the bathroom* ...

(A few minutes later...)

Lay: *Open his eyes a bit and wake up* Hooaaammmmm...~ -.- So sleepy.. *Look around* Eh.. Where's Kye??

Kye: *Open the door and enter the room only with a towel to cover his.. (you know)* ...

Lay: *Look at Kye* AA-AHH!!? KYE-! *Blushing hard*

Kye: ?

Lay: Why you didn't use any clothes!?
Kye: I was from the bathroom, to take a bath...

Lay: Tch-! Just use your clothes already-!////

Kye: *Get closer to Lay* Why? Isn't this too hot~? *Smirk*

Lay: *Blushing really hard* HEH-! JUST USE YOUT CLOTHES ALREADY!! *Cover his face with his hands*/////

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Lay: *Blushing really hard* HEH-! JUST USE YOUT CLOTHES ALREADY!! *Cover his face with his hands*/////

Kye: Why~? I love this..~
Lay: ///// ...
Blay: *Open the door immediately* GUYS! BREAKFAST IS RE- ....... ady..

Kye and Lay: !?
Blay: • •💧
Lay: Blay! This is not what it looks like!!
Blay: Sorry to interrupt in your moment, I will get out of the room now🙏💦 *Close the door*

Lay: BLA-
Kye: *Hold Lay's chin*
Lay: Ngh-! *Blushing hard again*
Kye: Mmh~?
Lay: //////💧
Kye: *Kiss Lay immediately* ~
Lay:Mhm-!? ...
*Kiss back*

Kye: ~ *Add his tongue to Lay's mouth*
Lay: Ngh!~ Mmh~ Kwye- Mhm!~~
Kye: ~
Lay: Mmm~ Nmmgh..~
Kye: Mmm~
Lay: Mmh!~ Mmmmmhhh~

Kye kissing Lay for 5 minutes😶-
Alright, 5 minutes later...

Lay: M-Mhh~ Kwye~ Ngh!~
Kye: *Break the kiss* ...
Lay: *Take a breath* Hah! Hah!.. Hah... Kye are you crazy!? I almost death!

Kye: *Chuckle* I'm sorry, your lips too sweet~

Lay: *Blushing hard* /////
Kye: Now let's go to downstairs *Carried Lay up*

Lay: A-Ahh! Kye! Put me down!! I can walk!

Kye: Nope *Walking to downstairs*
Lay: //-/_/-//💢

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