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Who ever made paper ring xiaoven is amazing it made me cry for the first time when something sad happened.

Venti pov:

It 12 a.m. I made sure all mortals in this house was asleep as I went to made sure i felt something touch my shoulder and I quickly turned around just to see Childe asked "What are you doing up so late you do know that tomorrow is Friday right?"

I replied"Uhhh yea I just didn't know where I am gonna sleep since you didn't tell me"

Childe pov:

When he said that I then just remembered I didnt tell him he be sleeping in the guest room

"OHH I AM SORRY,I forgot to tell you my apologies.You will be sleeping in the guest room next to Xiao's room. My bad" I said.

He slowly walked backwards toward the guest room

Next day

Venti pov:

BEEP BEEP An anoyying sound kept playing. It sounded like Zhongli and Ei trying to play a recorder (it an instrument if you dont know)

"Shut up Zhongli or Eiiiiii"I moaned just trying to get some sleep and as I opened my eyes still abit blur I saw something brown something like a cockroach but when my vision finally got clear I notice it was the old man, Zhongli-

Hear folded his arms and boom. Rock came out of no where.

I took half an hour bandaging and cleaning the wound because of that old bitch " FUCK YOU OLD MAN" I shouted in pain. Xiao came in looking at me awkward and we stared at each other with a awkward silence

"What happen to you. Venti? Why do you have wounds all around you? We only just woken up"he asked very very confused.i lied to him because people in this generation thinks visions and archons are a myth and aren't real

In hell

"Venti hurry up we're going be late for class because of you bandaging your whole body like a mummy!" Xiao complained "At least we can skip the next class" I replied "IT YOUR SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL" He shouted "DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ME DYING YOU LITTLE MORTAL-"

Welp once we was in school teacher asked why we was late I replied whether she blind or what not seeing my body bandaged up like whatever a mummy was he seemed to be a dumbass

Author: sorry it short like anemo boys. I'm tired gonna rest my eyes cause I do not want fucking glasses

Hope you are taking care of yourself sorry is short like the anemo boys

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