〚Disgusting man〛

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Hopper and I sat silently next to each other, on the bench and ate whatever we were given.
I was hoping Enzo would bring me another jar of peanut butter, in the next few nights. Still, I wondered why he brought this to me. After all, no one else got something like this to eat.

In my mind, I nibbled on the dry piece of bread while my dad choked down the soup. Just the smell alone, made me sick.
I didn't even want to know, what's in there.

I miss the fast food and the waffles. Especially the waffles.
But I knew that someday, I would feel them on my tongue again.
Also the pizza, hamburgers and fries that Hopper always ate.

"How are you Ally?" Dad suddenly asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I think, I'm about the same as you are," I mumbled, looking at the bench next to me, where no one was sitting.

The bank was a bit covered with snow, so I slowly drew something on it, with my fingers. Only half of my fingers peeked out from under the sleeve of the jacket, because it was too big for me.

"Mm." He said and it was quiet again.

I sighed and looked up and tucked my fingers up my sleeve again. My eyes searched for a specific person, Enzo.

After our midnight talk yesterday, he left and I haven't seen him since.

But I didn't see him here either. It can't be because of me, because I didn't do or say anything wrong. I just said I don't trust him completely. I like him, but I don't really trust him.

'Cause I don't know why he's helping us, other than the money. He's Russian, he'd get that kind of money any other way.

"Pereryv zakonchilsya. prinimaytes' za rabotu! Nu davay zhe! (The break is over. Back to work! Go!)",shouted the Russian guards.

Sighing, we got up and made our way to the tracks, going in different directions.

"Hey, americans. (Hey, American)", someone suddenly said and stopped in front of me.
"Come with me," he said in English with his accent and grabbed my arm roughly.

I followed him a bit awkwardly and looked around in a bit of a panic. I haven't met the jailer yet, I've just seen him look at me sometimes. And that was enough for me to know, that I didn't like him.

He was pulling me, in a completely different direction from where I was supposed to be. Eventually he slowed down and we found ourselves behind some stacked logs, where no one was to be seen.

"I'm supposed to go over there..." I said but was immediately interrupted by the Russian pushing me, against the tree trunks and doing something that made me gasp in shock.
He kissed me. He pressed his lips against mine, with force and without feeling. He placed his hands next to my head.

I turned my head away in a panic and tried to push him away from me.
But he felt stronger than me and clamped my hands over my head,.so I couldn't move them anymore.

"No!" I said, fidgeting as he started to grab me. "Let go of me!" I kept saying, but he didn't stop.

"Ty tozhe etogo khochesh', malen'kiy amerikanets. (You want that too, little American.)" he said, pressing his mouth to mine again.

My eyes filled with water and tears ran down my cheeks.
I tried again and again to free myself, but it was no use. I've never felt so defenseless, ever.

"Help!" I cried and turned my head away. His hands wandered under my jacket and ran over my upper body. I tried to lean away and tucked my burrow in, as he drove over it.

"Hey!", I suddenly heard another voice, which is why the man in front of me was distracted and I was able to kick him between the legs.

Hissing, he let go of me with a jerk, and I jerked my arm along one of the trunks. Then a severe pain,.spread to my right arm. When he groaned and crouched in front of me, I made sure I kept my distance.

"Uberi ot neye ruki! (Get your hands off her!)" Looking up from my arm, I saw Enzo angrily run towards the other man and slap him hard in the face.

I took a step back, startled.

"U vas ikh bol'she net?! U tebya yest' zhena, khvatay yeye! Svoloch' (Don't you have them all anymore?! You have a wife, grab her! Bastard.)" he said and hit him in the face.

After a few seconds, another guard came and looked at me, so I took another step back, and then he looked at Enzo and the man.

By now the man who kissed me, had a black eye and blood was running down his face, but Enzo had taken a hit too.

"Ostanavlivat'sya! Chto vy dva idiota?! (Stop! What are you two idiots doing?!)",the third asked and pulled the two apart.

Upset and angry, Enzo said something to the other man which I didn't understand.
They both then looked at me, with Enzo's blue eyes looking down at my arm, which I was clutching.

I looked down cautiously, saw blood dripping onto the ground and the snow changing color. The jacket was also a little torn open and darkly discolored.

"YA voz'mu etogo, otvezu amerikantsa k vrachu. (I'll take this one, take the American to the Doc.)" he said to Antonov, holding the other man's collar.

Enzo let out a breath and nodded before turning and walking towards me. Out of reflex, I took an anxious step backwards, bumping into the stacked logs.
I carefully looked behind me, held my arm against myself and then looked ahead again.

"I won't hurt you," he said, raising his arms up,.while seeing me in my eyes. "I'll take you to the Doc., ecause that...",he said and pointed to my arm, on which more and more red liquid was running down. "....does not look good."

I nodded and wiped the tears from my face.
"Come on," he said, carefully pulling me away from the tree trunks.

"Antonov!" shouted the guard who had pulled the two apart. "Eto bol'she ne povtoritsya! Zametano? Inache yest' posledstviya. (That won't happen again! Got it? Otherwise there will be consequences.)", he said and looked at him warily, which is why Enzo nodded.

He carefully put his hand on my back and pushed me forward.
We didn't really move very fast, because of the chains on my feet.

Enzo grunted at the anklets and turned his gun on his back, before stopping and suddenly picking me up.

I grabbed his shoulder in shock, as he silently carried me the whole way, bridal style.

"You're damn light, Milyy (darling),",he murmured, licking the blood away from his lips.

Today is just the first day of school for me and I don't feel like it. so I don't know yet when the next chapters can be uploaded. Although I have a few prescribed but will hardly have time.

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