〚Another promise〛

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The next day, after everyone left their cells except me, I lay on my bed and tried to go back to sleep.
The cold was unbearable, and whenever the wind blew through the window, I pulled my jacket tighter around my body. The crack from yesterday was still there and I didn't get a new one either.

For a few hours, I just lay on my back and looked at the ceiling. I thought about yesterday, about what happened.

I can add a lot of things to the negative that happened to me, but none of them, until now.

I would like to wash off all the dirt, so I don't have to feel so disgusting, after the man. Instead I sat here, with a broken jacket and an injury.

God, how do I get something to eat now if I'm not outside?

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer and closer, I sat up carefully and saw the shadow under the door before it was unlocked. For a moment I thought it was yesterday's man, but it wasn't, so I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hello little American, how are you?" Enzo asked when I could see him, closing the doors behind him.

In response, I just shrugged with my shoulders and looked at his hands.
First he put a bowl on the table, then a small metal box and finally a new jacket.

I immediately went towards it and wanted to grab the jacket, when he suddenly stopped me and grabbed my wrist.

"First, we need to connect that." he said, pointing to my right arm.
Then he opened the small box and took out a white roll and a cloth.

"I can do this on my own." I said. "I'll do it. Sit down." His words were firm yet gentle, causing me to reluctantly sit down in the chair and look up at him.

I pulled my arm out and started unwrapping the bandage. "I said I'll do it," he said, lightly slapping my hands away. "And I said I can do it myself, too," I muttered, watching as he unwrapped the white ribbon, from my arm.

"Is this for me?" I asked, nodding to the food. "No, for me. You can watch me eat," he replied with a smirk.
"Ok. I mean, I'm not going to eat that anyway." I shrugged, grimacing at the dried blood.

"You eat this," he said decisively, concentrating on my arm. The crease between his eyes and his lips pressed together, as he concentrated, i let out a breath.

I leaned my head against the wall behind me and looked at the floor. Enzo carefully wiped away the blood and replaced it with a piece of white, before tying a new bandage around it.

"The bread, yes, the soup, no," I corrected. "What about that other man, from yesterday?" I asked quietly, quickly changing the theme. To be honest, I didn't want to talk about it either, but I wanted to know this question.

He looked me in the eyes for a moment, searching for something, I think, before tossing everything back into the box.

"He was positioned somewhere else. So he won't run into your way.", he answered me after a while and gave me the new jacket.

I changed jackets, as fast as I could and threw the broken one on the table, next to the other stuff.

"Okay," I mumbled.

"Fine, you eat that and I have to go now." He nodded to himself, took the jacket and the box and went to the door.

I just nodded until something popped into my head. "Wait!" I said quickly.

He stopped questioning and turned to me. "Is there any way, I can still see my dad today? Can you bring him over here, for a few minutes, or me?" I looked at him hopefully and played with my ice cold hands.

"It's going to be difficult, but I can try. I was going to come back tonight anyway, because of the plan," he replied. "You're bearable company." He grinned and chuckled, making me roll my eyes and smile.

"It's bearable with you too." I laughed sarcastically. He grinned at me and shook his head before leaving.

So I hoped he would be able to get Hopper to me.

The mens were taken back, to their cells an hour ago, but Enzo still wasn't here and I was struggling, to stay awake.

Just as my eyes slowly fluttered shut, I heard the lock of the doors click. I sat up quickly and looked disappointed in the face, of the Russian.

"I thought you were happy to see me." He smiled and leaned against the door. "Couldn't get Hopper over here?" I asked, about to sit down when he grinned. "I'll take you to him. So come on. We have to be quiet."

My heart was beating wildly, as we quietly walked down a block and made our way to his cell.
Enzo had put handcuffs on me, to be on the safe side, which I didn't think was a bad thing.

"Here." He whispered and unlocked the doors. "Antonov?" Dad asked in surprise and sat up. He looked terrible. His eyes were half closed, with tiredness and his skin was snow white. His arms hung limply down his body and a cap was on his head.

It hurt to see how broken he was, but nobody really showed it. Hopper is strong. Still, I want to see him happy again, maybe with Joyce.

"Dad." I whispered and smiled. He widened his eyes in surprise and quickly got up and walked towards me.

"Ally." He said relieved and hugged me, which was difficult for me, because I was still handcuffed. I giggled softly and broke away from him.

"You have 10 minutes," Enzo said, undoing the handcuffs and then leaning on the door, while Dad and I sat down on the bed, after I gave him another big hug.

"How are you?" he asked, eyeing me. "Good?" It sounded more like a question, but it was true.
"I know it, so don't lie to me," he muttered, glaring at me. "No really. I'm 'fine'. Not great and not bad either. I'm fine, apart from our current situation." I admitted and smiled.

Of course he knew about yesterday. Eventually we didn't see each other again and he then asked Enzo. And of course he told him. Told what happened.

"If he wasn't somewhere else now, the Russian, I would have killed him.", he growled and ran his hand over his head.
"Believe me, if I could, I'd do it myself," I whispered softly, so Enzo couldn't hear.

"I would even allow you, to kill everyone else too." Dad whispered back with a smirk. "I would do that without your permission. But we'd need a miracle for that." I whispered, giggling, leaning my back against the wall.

Enzo was still leaning against the door, smoking, watching us in silence. "Eight minutes, Americans," he said, blowing out the smoke and crossing his legs.

Why did that look so damn attractive? Why is this picture stuck in my mind now? And why was he looking me straight in the eyes?
I shake my head.

Ignoring Enzo, Dad went on talking. "When we get back home, we will try to forget everything and live a real and normal life, yes?" he asked me. I smiled at the thought. "That would be a dream, but we will never have that," I said softly.

"I don't think it will all end at some point. I mean both problems." And by that I mean the problem with the upside down and El and my problem.

One of them, will always make a cut through our lives, and we were all quite aware of that.
"It would be nice, yes, but not possible. If we break out, other people will be looking for us.....again." I gave an example and folded my arms.

"We'll do everything possible  to protect you both, you know that, you both know that, right?" Hop clarified, looking me intently in the eye.
"And you know that El and I will protect you all. I promise, no matter what happens.", I clarified and made a promise.

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