Chapter 7

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I woke up in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom. But Vance's arms were wrapped around me. I tried going from under. "Shit" I whispered because that didn't work. My urge to pee was getting worse. I tried breaking his grip slowly "fuck that shit" I said again whispering. "Finally I tried going under again and this time it worked. I practically ran to the bathroom.

After I peed I got up and looked in the mirror. I always had this thing called Body dysmorphia. Even though I could wrap my arm all the way around my waist and clap them together I always felt like I was still chubby. The thing is I knew I was skinny but a little voice in the back of my head would say. "Look How think you are", "you look like a total elephant", "come on stop eating that". I never knew why that little voice was in my head. I just knew it was there.

When I got back to the room Vance was still sleeping so I just got back in bed and went back to sleep. I woke up to someone knocking on my door. "Come in" I said still half way asleep. "Hey kidos imma go to work so be good and I left money in the table if y'all need anything". He said looking at Vance and I. "Ok thanks dad". I said while laying back down. Dad closed the door and I blacked out once more. I woke up to me being shaken by something.

"What". I said still with my eyes closed. "I need cloths". Vance said "ok give me a sec". I said still with my eyes closed. "JADE WAKE UP" he said screaming in my ear. "OK IM UP" I said I got up and walked I to my brothers room he wasn't there so I grabbed some jeans that were baby and a AC/DC shirt that the sleeves were cut off. I brought it upstairs and gave them to Vance. "Thanks Jay". He said with I smile while I rolled my eyes.

It was to early for this shit. Vance went and took a shower while I got up and picked out my outfit (image below OR NOT IDC)

After picking it out I put it on my bed and waited for Vance to be done with his shower so I could go next

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After picking it out I put it on my bed and waited for Vance to be done with his shower so I could go next. While I was waiting I just pained my nails. About 20 minutes later Vance came out. "Are you done princess" I said looking at Vance. "No I think imma need like 20 more minutes". He said smiling "too mad because I have to take a shower" I grabbed my cloths and walked in the bathroom. I turned on the shower not checking the temperature. After undressing I hoped in the shower. "AHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK VANCE WHY IS IT LIKE FUCKING ANTARCTICA IN THIS SHOWER". I screamed and jumping out of the shower.

"OH SORRY I LIKE IT COLD". He said from the other room. I waited for it to turn hot once it did I enjoyed my long HOT shower. I got dressed in the bathroom and walked out Vance was on the bed reading one of my books. "You have good book taste too Jay". He said smiling and putting down the book. "I did my makeup it's the same everyday. And I did my hair. Then Vance said something. "Yo we have to be at the diner in 10 hurry up" huh a diner whatever. "Maybe if you didn't have the water so cold I would have been out sooner.

He smiled and payed on my bed once more. 2 minutes later I was ready a bed we headed out the door. But before leaving I grabbed the money and then we left. We walked about ten minutes till we reached the diner. Once we walked inside I saw everyone sitting at a booth. "Heyyy guys come it" Paige said the boys were on one said and the girls on the other.

hey guys sorry for not posting I was busy PULLING WEEDS anyways I wanted to kill myself but whatever hope y'all liked this one

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