Chapter 26

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One week later.

I was back in school 3 weeks were up and I had to go back. I woke up at 5:45 took a shower did my hair makeup and hit dressed.(image below)

I thought it was cute so I wore it

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I thought it was cute so I wore it. I grabbed my bag said goodbye to my dad and walked to school. As soon as I got there I heard people talking underneath their breath. That just annoyed me like just say it to my face or even out loud. I walked over to my locker and put my things away. Once I closed me locker I saw someone leaning on the lockers waiting for me. "Uh hi" I said after closing my locker. "Your Jade right" he said. He had dirty blonde hair. Wavy not like Vance's he also had green eyes like me lastly he was a skater boy mixed with metal head. "Yeah and who are you" I said "Ryan Rancher" what the fuck another rancher kid are you kidding me. "Oh so Emma is your sister". I said laughing a little. "Step sister but yes" ok maybe he would be different.

"Just wanted to say good for you sticking up to Emma it was bad ass but I'll see ya around". He said then walking away. No idea why he wanted to thank me but whatever. "Who is he" I heard a voice from behind. I turned to see Vance standing there looking pissed. "A kid named Ryan he's Emma's step brother" I said normally. "Why was he talking to you" he said sternly. "I don't know he just said congratulate me for beating up Emma I don't know". I said because it was true. Vance was wearing black stater type jeans with an Metallic shirt and the sleeves were cut off. "Mk" he said then put his arm around me and we walked away. I didn't know why he had his arm around me I mean just a week ago he didn't want people to know we were a thing now and arm was around me like huh.

We walked to first period and as I was about to walk into class I get pulled by my arm. Vance grabbed it and pulled me in for a kiss. I was confused but i enjoyed it. "Bye" he said with a smile then I walked into first period. I sat in my seat and Mrs.Kim walked in. "Good morning class". She said and we all said good morning. "Aw my favorite student is back welcome back Miss. Blakely".She said I lived MRS.Kim she was always so nice she complemented my outfit hair makeup she was the best. She fought ELA. We finished up and we went to second period.

I hated this teacher. Ms.pearly she always dress coded me but whatever. I walked into class and Vance was in his seat playing with his pen. I sat next to him and we started talking. "Wanna go play mini golf Today" he said and I agreed. "Ahh Miss. Blakely your back welcome". She said and looking at me if looks could kill. I nodded "where's your cloths at" she said slamming her hands on her desk. I pinched my cloths "right here" I said being a smart ass. "Well I all I See is a distraction raise your hand if you find her outfit distracting" she said thinking people where gonna raise their hands. "No one ok we'll Mr.Hopper keeps looking at your chest so tell us why hopper why are you looking" she said trying to break me. "Because n SHES my girlfriend why else" he said and she had a shook look on her face.

"Ok we'll Miss. Blackly imma need you to cover up". She said. "I don't have a sweater".
I said "fine whatever have people think your a slut I don't care" she said as I grew red. "What the fuck did you just call me" I said standing up. "WATCH YOUR MOUTH" she said trying to one up me. "OH NOW YOU WANNA PLAY THAT GAME ILL TELL YOU SOMETHING IRENE PEARLY I WILL ALWAYS FUCKING WIN SO GO AHEAD CALL ME A SLUT SEND ME TO THE OFFICE but karma a bitch and it always bites ya in the ass". I said heading out the room down to the office.

I got called in "Miss.Blakely your back in here not even 24 hours after suspension I heard what you did that's not cool I've called your father he should be here any moment so what do you have to say". The principal said. "She called me a slut you know how triggering that word is after you have been SA you think why did he choose me was I a slut and I have to tell myself no you were 6 and it took me a whole lot of fucking time to get over my bodies dysmorphia so THAT WORD I WILL NOT TOLERATE" I said and dad heard the whole thing. "That teacher called my kid a what" he said as red grew on his face. "I'm so sorry that happened to you we will have this sorted out very soon" he said scared almost. The Dean and my father had a chat and I was sent back down to class. "Oh great" the teacher said. The dean walked behind me. "MRS.pearly a chat please. We got the rest of the period free and I enjoyed it.

Third period came and went and it was now lunch. I walked to our table and everyone was there. We all chatted and enjoyed our lunch when I was pulled from lunch and brought to the office.  I saw my father MRS.pearly and the dean waiting for me. I stood by my dad and pearly talked. "I wanted to apologize for my words I never knew what happened and how that could effect you and many more I will make sure it never happens again". She said I looked at her up and down "I don't expect your apology" I said she looked shocked. "Understandable" she pushed out the to say that one word. "Also MRS.pearly you don't need to worry about it happening again because your fired we do not take these actions lightly so today if your last day pack up your belonging and leave after" Mr.Brown said and my jaw dropped to the floor. So did pearlys but she knew what she had to do and she did as told.

He was apologetic and said I could return to lunch and I did. The day went on as usually and finally we were off to the movies. We pulled in at 5:56 and we got drinks and food so we could enjoy the movie. Vance's hand on my thigh the whole time a make out once or twice. Jump scares as well sometime. After the movie ended we went to the grab and go. I got a pack of cigarettes and Julie was working so no need for ID. She gave me them and V and I shared a cig the whole ride home. "Tomorrow Wanna hand out at mine". Vance said he never asked me to come over and when I asked if I could come over he got mad and said no. "Yeah of course after school" I said "of course" he said and we drove home.

I hope y'all liked this one let me know if I should start the kidnappings and if Vance should be a victim I don't think so but more so a helper to Jade but lmk and I'll see ok good night or morning wherever you are in this word and enjoy your day or night love ya ❤️

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