Chapter 8

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We sat down and ordered. "Hey guys it's on me today" Ace said so happy. We all thanked him and waited for our food. "I'll be right back". I said getting up to use the bathroom. When I got in the bathroom. I walked into a stall and head someone walk in. "Hey new girl" they said like they had an attitude. "Hold on" I said cleaning myself up and walking out the stall. "What" I said "I just wanted to let you know that Vance is mine and will always be mine so back off". Huh I wanted to laugh so hard and I did. While laughing I said "he's yours damn I didn't know Hopper was with someone oh wait he isn't and for the record I'm not with him so you don't have to worry".

I could not stop laughing. I just found it funny how she choose this time to tell me this. "I'm just saying if I see you get touchy with him your dead". She said trying to intimidate me. "Oh hunny lay a fucking hand on my and I'll break it I'm not one of those bitchs who says shit and when it comes down to it I back off so when I say I'll break it I will so go ahead and lay A FUCKING HAND ON MY I DARE YOU" I said this walking towards her like a psycho she was walking backwards so I would be in her face. It didn't work because she bumped into a wall. And she had to hear me all up in her face I loved it. "O-oh ok" she said

"Great Chat blondy Hope to talk again sometime" I said with a big smile and walked out. When u got to our seats out food was there and we started talking about stupid shit and then we finished and left. "Where do y'all wanna go now" Marry asked. "I don't know maybe tomorrow we could go to Island kingdom water park". (I DONT Know IF IT WAS OPEN In 1978 but let's pretend😻).Ace agreed and we all agreed to to but how would we get there. So I asked. "We can take the city bus it takes us all the way to the stop and then we just walk 5 minutes and we are there". Vance said walking right beside me. "Cool so what time and we're should we meet". Paige asked. "Let's meet at Jades house since it's the closest to the bus stop and let's say 7:00 that way we can get the 7:40 bus and be there by 8:30". We all agreed and headed to the grab and go.

We all grabbed a soda and watched Vance play pinball I got kinda bored so I walked outside and sat on the little cement block that was outside. "What's the matter Jade". Marry asked sitting next to me Paige was inside flirting with Jackson but honestly good for her. "I just can't stop laughing about this girl I saw in the bathroom today at the dinner". I said giggling. "What she say" Mary said with a smile. "Well first she was blonde and she told me to not steal Vance and if she saw me with Vance she would kill me. So I put her in her place".

Mary looked concerned "did she have green eyes and did she have a birthmark on her cheek" she said "yeah why" she looked scared. "That's Vance's Ex her mother passed not to long ago and her dad is like so fucking Rich". Oh shit I'm in deep shit now.

A/N I'm so sorry for not posting I feel like every time I come on here I always say something BUT MY DAD MADE ME CLEAN OUT THE SHED TODAY AND I WORKED OUT TODAY SO IM TIRED SO GOODNIGHT ILL UPDATE TOMORROW

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