Truth or dare?
Quietly sitting on the soft, cozy sofa, Charles silently walked over and placed himself next to me. I felt the breath hitch in the back of my throat as his knee slightly knocked against mine. Turning to face me, he grinned. I stared at the small creases that formed around his eyes.
"Let's play a game," Pierre's low voice shook me from my daze.
"What game?" Charles asked, leaning himself forwards on the seat.
"Truth or dare!" Lando called from the sofa opposite the one I found myself on.
"That's so childish though," Lewis sighed, clearly not wanting to participate.
"Not the way we play," Pierre winked at Charles. "Y/N, you in?" he asked.
"Obviously." I stated, sending a smile to reassure Lando that his idea was not childish."I'll go first," Pierre declared. He sent a mischievous glance around the group, eyeing his prey. "Lando...truth or dare?" his voice menacing, but with a slight giggle.
"Dare." he shot back.
"I dare you to seductively eat this banana." Pierre leant towards the table in the middle of us and gestured at the banana he had placed there ten minutes earlier when he arrived.
"What?" Lando looked reluctant.
"Well if you don't wanna do it..." Pierre trailed off.
"Fine. Fine." Lando reached forwards and grabbed the banana. He slowly started peeling the skin, making sure he made eye contact with Pierre. Soon enough, the banana was in his mouth and he was giving a show alright. Eventually, he looked as if he could no longer keep eye contact out of embarrassment."Well that was...something," Lewis nodded in Lando's direction, "that I don't want to see again." He let out a light laugh.
"Charles, truth or dare?" Lando shot.
"Er...truth?" Charles seemed to ask.
"Okay...fuck, marry, kill. Pierre, George and Carlos." Lando smiled to himself, looking very pleased with his question.I stared up at Charles, taking in his features as he scrambled to get his thoughts together. He looked as if he was really concentrating on how to best answer the question. I only thought about how much I wish I'd been an option. Then again, he could've said he'd kill me. Better that I'm not an option.
"I think I would marry Pierre because he's my best friend." I smiled at that and noticed Pierre smiling slightly too. "I think I'd have to fuck...Carlos...because I think he has more experience." He winks at the others.
"And how would you know that?" I asked, still staring at him. He didn't reply, just winked at me. I could've died right there.
"Sorry George," Lando teased. Lewis smirked, possibly thinking of his teammate being murdered by Charles Leclerc.A few more turns went by, allowing the group to witness Pierre's attempt at a 'sexy dance' with no music, Charles made his best orgasm face, Lando made a few impressions of the boys and Lewis had explained, in detail, the worst thing he had done in an F1 car. I won't elaborate.
"Y/N. Truth or dare?" Pierre asked me. It had to be him, didn't it?
"Well?" he nudged after my pause. "I'll go easy on you," he suggested.
I thought about it for a moment.
"Dare. Do you worst." I smirked at him.
He titled his head. "Fine." He looked for a short moment directly at Charles before bringing his gaze back to mine.
"I dare you to kiss the guy you think is the most attractive." He let the words settle. Lando was laughing, Lewis was making faces at Pierre, but Charles was looking at me with a curious look on his face.
"Out of you four?" I asked.
"Of course...unless you don't want to. I can come up with something a bit le-"
"No," I cut him off. "That's fine."
"Ten seconds." He added, making Lando giggle some more.I pretended to think hard about who I was going to kiss for ten seconds, but it had been clear in my mind since the words left the boy's mouth. I slowly turned to Charles and waited for a moment. At first he smiled but when he realised what I was about to do, I saw the smile wash from his face, only to be replaced by a look of pure confusion. I didn't look at the other boys, it brought too much dread to think that they too might be confused by my choice. Instead, I closed my eyes and leant towards my best friend.
I didn't stop until his lips met mine. They were soft and welcoming. I opened my mouth slightly and he reciprocated the action. It was warm and safe. I kept my eyes shut tight and in that moment, there was only me, Charles and the silence that surrounded us.
Until I heard Pierre shout, "Ten!" and Charles immediately pulled away from me. Upon opening my eyes, I saw Charles looking a little puzzled and then shifted my stare to analyse the others. Pierre was grinning whilst the other two chuckled slightly.
"Charles? The most attractive. Are you mad, y/n?" Lando asked. "When I'm sitting right in front of you?"
"Shut up and don't flatter yourself, Lando," I told him. He pretend to be hit by my words and held his left hand over his heart.
"Wounded," he whispered.
"Anything you need to tell us?" Pierre teased.
"No. Just can appreciate a good-looking man." I muttered.
"Yeah, it doesn't mean anything. Clearly, I am the most attractive," Charles boasted. Everyone laughed.And then the game moved on. And nobody said another word of it. Maybe it really did mean nothing.