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Gillian Cobbler has just been scolded.

For not watching her sister, Anna, while she was playing. Anna has gotten fatally hurt on her watch. She's now in the hospital with the rest of the family. Gillian is hiding in a dirty alleyway with dumpsters against the dead-end wall.

She's crying.

Suddenly there's a snap of a twig.

Someone's here.

She stops crying and tries to breath as quietly as humanly possible.

"Hi," someone says softly. "Are you okay?"

She wipes her tears quickly.

"I'm fine!" she snaps.

The person flinches.

"Sorry," they say. "I was just wondering. Also why are you out here alone? It's almost curfew and soon the monsters will come out." Their eyes are the most curious color.

"I—I was just trying to get away from my family."

"Why?" The person asks, curiously.

"I wasn't watching my sister while she was playing and she got fatally injured."

"Oh. I'm sorry. My big sister was kidnapped a long time ago. She's dead now."

"I'm sorry. What was her name?"

"Raz. That's what I called her. No one ever told me her real name. What's your sister's name?"

"Anna. She's 6. I have another one too. Trixie. She's 2. And a brother. Felix is 1." (I think that's the right ages. Correct me if I'm wrong)

"Oh. You're lucky you have 3 siblings. I only had one. And she...well you know already."

"I know. I'm Gilly. What's your name?"

"Well Gilly," the person says, ignoring the question. "I'm sorry but I have to go. My parents will be worried sick. You should go home too."

A smile creeps up both their faces. The person starts walking away.

"I will. Bye—wait you never told me your name!"

"Bye, Gilly!" They call over their shoulder.

And with that they went their separate ways, never to see each other again.

Or so they thought...

Thx for reading! Tell me if I should continue or not. And what the title should be.

My Not-exactly-prince, Prince Charming: A FTRS AUWhere stories live. Discover now