In which Samirah and Amir yell at their daughter. And then she sneaks out. Cool.

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Amina Fadlan had gotten detention today.


The only reason their parents hadn't heard about it yet because Layla had a cross country meet was able to drive her freshman sister home. She spent the majority of the ride lecturing her about not talking back to the teacher.

Amina silently cursed her goody-two-shoes sister. And of course, her parents already knew, so she would be grounded.


When they got home, her parents were waiting for her in the kitchen. Her mom was glaring and her dad has his arms crossed across his chest.

Noman was watching from the doorway of his room in the first floor, looking up from the phone in his hands. Layla rolled her eyes at him and went upstairs to her room, giving her parents and sister some privacy.

The lecture started, Amir and Samirah repeating what they have said a million times. That Amina couldn't talk back to teachers, or skip class, or call out. They told her that she was in High School now, and she needed to act like it.

Once again, Amina tuned them out and let her mind wander elsewhere, to her plans she made with her friends for tonight.

"And you're grounded." Amir added. Amina was suddenly back.

"What?" She said. "But I was going out with Aubrey and Lola tonight! We were gonna get ice cream!"

"Sorry, but you can't keep acting like this." Amir said. "Now go to your room."

Amina grunted and stomped across the kitchen to her room, next to Noman. As she passed her junior brother, he whispered, "Just because you're the youngest kid doesn't mean you get away with everything."

Amina grunted louder and slammed the door to her room, so loud that Layla could hear her upstairs.

It was dark, and Lola was blowing up Amina's phone. Her mom had taken it away, but she stole it back. This is why she needed her phone on silent. But she wasn't allowed in case it was an emergency.

Amina climbed out of bed and put on a hoodie and sweatpants. It wasn't like she was going anywhere special.

She finally responded to Lola and slowly opened her door, cringing at the sound of the floor creaking. Noman jumped out of his doorway, and Amina jumped.

"What the hell?" She whisper yelled.

"You are really loud. I'm coming with you. If I don't, I'm telling mom and dad you're sneaking out." he replied, still whispering. They were the only rooms in the second floor, but they had learned over the years they didn't have the thickest walls.

"Why do you even what to come?" Amina responded, "I'm literally going to get my ice cream with my friends."

Noman sighed as if to say 'Do you really have to ask?'' "Aubrey's older brother is coming. You know, the guy that is actually my friend?"

Oh yeah. Aubrey mentioned that in school her brother, James, might come. Amina guessed that he had made his choice. Noman and him were pretty good friends, knowing each others through their little sisters.

"Fine," she finally gave in, sighing. "But if I get caught I'm talking you down with me."

Noman nodded, and slowly crept towards the door, making sure their security system was off before stepping out. They high-fived when they made it out.

The ice cream place wasn't far, they just walked there. Lola and Aubrey were waiting, along with James.

"Where were you?" Lola asked, flicking her blonde hair her shoulder. She had long hair and light green eyes. Aubrey and James had black hair and brown eyes.

"I got grounded," Amina responded, and gestured to her junior brother. "He threatened to sell me out if I didn't bring him."

"We'll, I'm glad he's here," James commented, "I was going to be bored out if my mind."

They all walked inside and ordered their ice creams. Noman got chocolate, Amina got mint chocolate chip, rocky road for Aubrey, butter pecan for James, and Lola ordered a strawberry. They paid and sat down.

Just was Amina finished her ice cream, she got a texted. She looked at it and cursed. It was her dad.

Get back here, now.

"Noman," she got her brother's attention and showed him the video text. "We have to go home."

"But—" Aubrey started.

"Sorry!" Noman called over his shoulder as they ran out of the shop. Good thing they already paid.

When they got home, their dad and mom were waiting for them. Their mom had their signature glare, and their dad's arms were crossed.

The lecture started again, for the second time today. When it was finally over, Amina's phone got taken away—again—but so did Noman's too.


The siblings reluctantly went to bed, but their was a hint of a smile on both of their faces.

No matter the punishment, that night was worth it.

I probably wrote that sneaking out part wrong. I don't know. I've never done it.

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