Go Vance!

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Once the grabber had left after coming in for his daily check up on Vance, Elnora and him went back to working on the panel. "Did you find anything last night to get it off". "Yeah I did, open the toilet lid and screw off the washer thats connected to the pipe in there, it should fit in these screws". I tell him as I walk through the other side. What I hadn't done was trying to open the freezer, I was only able to touch certain, I could touch the mattress, the living room door and other small things, but I wasn't sure about this. I took a breath and reached my hand to touch the door. It went through. "God damn it", I whispered to myself in frustration. I concentrated again and tried. Same thing. "Fuck sakes come on, I know you can do it, you stupid fucking ghost shit". I mutter to myself again in frustration. Vance needs to get the fuck out, come on Elnora, make it work. I checked to see if he got the panel off. "Can you do it?". He asked. "Having a little trouble". I tell him. "Well if you wanna get out of here dipshit, can't afford to have trouble, he'll probably be back soon, I think he's given up on finding you". He says throwing the panel on the ground and facing me. We froze when we heard the heavy door open. "Vance?". He called in a sing-somg tone. Vance walked around there casually and calm, so the grabber wouldn't suspect anything. "What do you want?". "Samson!". The grabber called out, a big black dog came strutting down the stairs. "You know I have had such a stressful week, I just feel the need to let some of it out". The grabber unbuckles his belt and slides it off, in his back pocket I saw a glint, a silver knife sat in his pocket. I froze there, I knew exactly what he was planning and there was hell no way I was gonna let him do it. He hooked the dog by the door and stalked Vance with a smirk across his face. "Bring it on motherfucker". Vance said with his hands held high. I still stood there frozen, my mind was telling me to do something but my body wouldn't move, I could see Vance was losing. "Stop it". I whispered. "Please stop, please stop". I muttered to myself, still frozen in place. Vance was now on the ground, Once I see him raise the belt again, I shot forward. "Stop it!". I yelled, tears in my eyes and looking straight at the grabber. The belt hit me across my face. This time I felt the sting of pain and he could see me. "Well...look who we have here". Tears were still streaming down my face, I look down at Vance and see he was slightly conscious but I knew he would eventually black out. I felt my hair being pulled and being dragged across the basement. He beat me again, over and over with the belt. This time I wailed and pleaded. But at least it was me and not Vance. "You've caused me so much trouble". He says, now flashing the knife at me. He puts it to my throat and presses lightly. "I should slit your throat, for it but that wouldn't be a good enough of a punishment". He says. He slams the knife into my left side. I yell in pain. "Ahhhh". I take deep breaths and clutch onto my side after he pulls the knife out "El". I heard Vance breath out before he fell limp on the ground unconscious. "You'll slowly die here". He pushes off the ground and drags Vance back onto the mattress and slams the heavy metal door shut once he walked out. I concentrated on stopping myself from crying and used as much energy to stand up. "Let me help you". It was Billy, he grabbed ahold of me and lifted me effortlessly of the ground. "Shit, he did you bad". Billy comments. "Yeah no shit". I mumble, sweat was poring down my forehead. "I have to get him out and I have to do it now". I say confidently. "What about you". Billy asked. "I'll probably die here anyways, at least he'll get help, that's all that matters". I tell him. Billy just nods and helps me get to Vance. I let him sleep for an hour, In that time span I could still go through the wall, I tried unlocking the freezer again And this time I succeeded. I went back through the wall and laid down next to Vance who was still blacked out. "You should wrap something around you, it'll help". Billy suggested. "I can't". I rasped out, I was tired, exhausted. I was dying. "Wake him up, the grabber will be asleep by now, it's late, he hasn't such good sleep so I think he won't wake up for awhile it'll be his chance to get out, You don't have much time". Griffin told me this time with a laugh. I nod my head, giving in to their suggestions. "Vance, Vance!". I yell out to him. He stirs for a bit before fully awaking. He shot up when he saw the state I was in but groaned himself when he could feel the aching of his body. Vance reached out for me again and this time he could feel me, my warmth that was slowly dying out. He pulled me close to him and held me their for what felt like forever. "You really are alive". He says, holding me to him tighter. "Not for long". I tell him, he pulls away and looks at my tired eyes, that's when he notices how hard I'm clutching onto my left. He removes my hand and sees how bad it is. "Shit". He says, frantically pulling his jacket off and ripping some of his white shirt to wrap around my wound. "Fuck, fucking motherfucker". He yells in anger throwing his jacket harshly to the ground. "We've gotta get you outta here, by the feeling of it he's mostly likely cut this game short". I tell him, going to stand up. "Come on". I tell him, walking towards the hallway, when I noticed he wasn't walking with me I turned back to him. "Can you leave?". He asked. "Idk". I simply say. "I'm not leaving here without you". He says, standing up and putting his jacket back on. "Like I said your gonna have too, griffin said we don't have much Time, the freezer is unlocked and you get out from there, there's a staircase and door that leads the way out, you have to go". I tell him, looking right into his ocean eyes. "I'm not leaving here, if your not coming". I sighed deeply and continued walking to the hole in the wall. "I can still go through the walls, that means that I can't leave, you have to go and get help". "No". "I'm not fucking asking you dipshit". I say angrily this time. "I'm not fucking, running away with my tail between my legs and leaving you here to die, there's no fucking way". He says storming up to me. "Vance I can't, i can't leave and even if I could I'll slow you down".
"I could carry you, your light as a feather".
" but then we're both caught, and no one can get help, if you go now the police should be here by tomorrow morning".
"That's too long, he could still do something to you El".
"Vance just fucking go". I tell him walking through to the other side. He shuffles through the hole and out the other side of the freezer. I walked up the steps and pushed the two wooden doors open, it was the backyard. "Look go through there, it's the quickest way to town and that way he would have to go on foot, he won't catch up to you, no way". I say. "He has to leave now, you don't have much time". Griffin says, popping up by me. "You have to go now". I rush him. "No, I can't". He shakes his head. "You have to go Vance, now go". I usher him, trying to push him but he sits there and takes it. He hangs his head low, in deep thought. "Promise me you'll survive till I get back". He says looking at me, with a determined look. "I promise okay, now go". I tell him. He looks at me one last time, as if hesitating to do something. "Gosh I fucking hate you, motherfucker".
"Yeah I hate you too". I mutter. Laying against the wall, while still sitting on the steps. I heard Vance quickly come back. He bent down In front of me and I gave him a frustrated look. "What are you doing g-". Before I could finish my sentence, I felt his lips crash onto mine, I melted into the kiss instantly, he deepened the kiss and held to me a little longer, I place my hand onto his neck as he deepens it, before pulling away and leaning his head against mine. "If your dead when I come back, I'm throwing your corpse into the garbage, no fucking pretty funeral for you". He says. "Fuck you too". I laugh as well as him. He kisses me once more. "I'll be back for you". He finally pulls away and with one last glance he runs off into the distance without any trouble at all, no grabber behind his back or anything. I shut the door and cried silently. I felt my body give up. My body couldn't go through the walls anymore it's as if, that weird ghost shit went away, as if it's done it's job, and I'll say it did. I leaned against the shitter and cried. "It's not over yet". Billy says coming next to me. "I'm not getting out, I'm overs". I tell him. "No your not, you've come all this way and your still alive so technically you still have to fighting, I mean do you really want your corpse thrown into the bin". Billy jokes. I laugh a little and begin wiping my tears. "We're gonna help you, there's a dirt section just underneath these tiles, dig down into the foundation". Bruce told me.

That night the four of us worked together, I dug for hours and hours and pulled the vent off the window, I was attempting to climb but it was no use, I was to heavy for it, it came off, I threw the vent into the hole I dug and looked for something to use as a weapon. "What about the phone, you could pull it off the hook and fill it with dirt, give it some heft". Billy said. So I did exactly that. I dug the washer into the wire and snapped it off. After I had finished I laid down to have a sleep.
So you guys are probably confused a bit, so technically Elnora will be the hero in the story it's just wether the hero will survive. Let me know if you wanna find out and I'll continue writing.

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