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"You ready?". Billy asked. I nod my head vigorously. He held his hand out, helping me on my feet. I did the last finishing touches. I placed a carpet over the hole and made a trip wire out of the cord and screw from the shitter. I could feel my vision start to go hazy. I leaned over slightly, seeing fresh blood pouring out, the shirt was starting to get drenched with blood. "How you holding up?". Bruce asked. "I'm good". "I hope your up for this, your arm is mint". I noticed that they would repeat, these things in a sentence they would say. I rested up for a bit, I thought the police would've been here by now, it was at least late afternoon.

No one's POV (last night)
Vance ran as fast as he could, wether he was being chased or not he has to get moving, he couldn't afford to lose her, even if she was the most annoying person He found in his life, he could admit in this moment and the many more to come, he loves her, Vance hopper was a flirt and got many girls but, she never fell for him or ran off, scared. The first time she met her, they were in the same class, he noticed her and how shy she was. She bumped into him one day. "I'm so sorry". She apologised quietly. "Geez watch where you're going fuckwad". He answered her. "Well I said sorry asshole". She muttered walking pass him. He was shocked a bit, no girl ever spoke him that way, they were either scared or just into him. He watched her figure walk away. Strangely enough they had the same class that period. And even the amount times, which weren't very but it was enough times, he never noticed her in the back and her nose stuck into her book or looking out the window. He skipped the seat he normally sat at and sat next to her. She continued to write down notes, not even acknowledging him or anyone around her. "Hey you, move". It was some girl that Vance recognised, the girl was always trailing him no matter where he went, Heather Hayes. "I always sit here". The girl answered quietly. "Well not anymore, if you haven't noticed my friend is in the sit next to you". That's when the girl had just realised the boy she ran into not too long ago sitting next to her. "Well I always sit here, so either take your friend or just sit somewhere else". He couldn't believe it, maybe this girl didn't know who he was or she just didn't care, it made him angry yet intrigued. "When I tell you to move, you move". Heather had swiped her hard cover book onto the ground. "Look, I don't know why it's a big deal but I sit here". The girl said once again, in a much quieter tone. "And I said you don't anymore". Heather was in her face this time, the girl looked a bit scared, if she got off her seat and moved, instantly this girl is a pussy. The quiet girl stood up and picked up her hardcover book while Heather watched with a victorious smirk, and Vance scoffed, maybe he was wrong. That's when the girl had shot up and slammed her hard cover book straight across heathers face, wiping that smirk clean off. Vance eyes widen when he saw Heather fall to the ground in pain. "Just because I'm shy, doesn't mean I won't slam your ugly face in". She muttered to herself, sitting down again and continuing her work. The teacher had just walked in and saw Heather laying on the ground. "Heather what are you doing on the ground". She asked. Heather was about to speak up when she saw the quiet girl give her deadly glaring look, it scared her to her soul. "Sorry Mrs Brooklyn". Heather simply said, sitting back at her old seat. The girl sighed and continued looking out the window.
From that day Vance would do whatever it took to get her to talk to him, he would follow her around and try start a conversation, yet the girl just wouldn't budge. He even showed up to school more often just to be around her. She only said so little to him and would still get shy every now and then. But the girl couldn't deny that she loved his presence, he was funny and he was actually kind to her, even despite how different they were and how weird people claimed her to be, he still hung around. Until one day he stopped, he sat in his normal seat and didn't follow her around anymore. She would perk her up head just a little when he walked into his class to see if he would sit next to her but he just sat in the same seat, he didn't follow her to her locker or to lunch. She hated it. He did that for nearly a whole week, she thought maybe he got bored and didn't wanna hang out with her anymore but the girl wouldn't accept it, he didn't know her very well, and it was her fault because she never let him know her, but she was gonna change that. The next day they had that same class together and instead of her just walking pass his locker and expecting him to follow, she waited for him. He glanced at her and grabbed the one notebook he always has and walked with her to class, with a smile on his face and she walked proudly with him, with not even a hint of fear or embarrassment. He just looked at her waiting for an answer or something from her. But yet she still walked and sat quietly. "I-." "Um-." They both started to talk at the same time, stopping when they noticed. "You go first". She said shyly. He smirked. "You wanna play pinball with me after school". She laughed a little at that and he looked at her confused for a second. "You definitely live up to the name pinball Vance". He was shocked yet again, so she did know who he was and possibly the trouble he gets up too and the stories, but she didn't care or she did care but accepted it. And he admired her for it. "I never got your name". He asked, tapping his finger on the desk and looking into her. "Elnora, Elnora black". She told him. From that day on they would always hangout with each other and she would just watch him play pinball and she would bring him quarters every time and she never once got sick of it, eventually hanging out after school, turned into sneaking into each other's houses and comforting each other, they knew each other more than anyone would know about them. They were inseparable from that moment on.

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