Hippogriffs Suck

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In which Draco has another unexpected run-in with a hippogriff.
*takes place early 4th year*

Draco never thought he'd ever have to lay eyes on another foul hippogriff after his injury—after all, his Father had surely banned them from the school of course—however those thoughts were thrown out of reason when he caught sight of the lot of them huddled by Hagrids cabin.

Much before this it had been a usual day at Hogwarts, he had woken up and given Harry a decent amount of hard times, and the day before he had managed to score him in detention for some random accusation in Potions class. Most of Snapes tolerance and familiarity of him not only came from there similar Hogwarts house, but also the fact that Draco was positively certain that his Father had opened his marriage for Snape. His Mother didn't seem to mind however, and during holidays Snape usually lay whisked away at meal times, only appearing when it was more quiet and intimate.

As Draco thought more of this he then realized that Snape had surely made love to both of them. That thought made his throat tighten and nose scrunch, better to think of other things in his free time then his parents love-making.

As his day had continued it had been enjoyable, he had caught several people making goo-goo eyes at him while he was at Quidditch practice, and he was never one to turn down affection, but lest it was from a female gaze he quickly turned away. Following that was his usual classes and such, nothing out of the ordinary which he preferred. So when he had walked down the hill—Crabbe and Goyle on either side of him—he barely raised his head from his jeering conversation about Mudlbloods with Pansy, to see what came in store in Hagrids class.

Harry knew that Hagrid was building them up for something exciting at the end of the week. He had started them with basic wild animals, doing typical handle and such, and had them progressed to brooding beasts he had caught from the Forbidden Forest. Anticipation blossomed in his stomach as he walked down the stairs quickly, he looked behind him and saw Hermione and Ron doing the same—right besides him.

"What do you think Hagrid has for us today?" Hermione asked, trying to be collected while a bright smile blessed her features.

"No clue. Hope it's worth having to sit and watch Malfoy be such a jerk to Hagrid." Ron said, his bitterness making his eyebrows knot and mouth clench.

Harry nodded his head, the entire week Malfoy had been hammering Hagrid brutally. Insults about how he dressed, the lessons he had been teaching them, his height, even his accent wasn't left harassed. What he wouldn't give to beat the living shit out of him, and hear his pathetic whimpers. Just like when Buckbeak had attacked him— but they had been almost too pleasing to hear. More then once had he found himself imagining Draco's soft whines and whimpers as he lain in bed, he blamed it on hormones however and tried to forget about it.

Ron however started to become impatient with how long the walk was taking, and flashed a grin at Harry and Hermione before he took off racing down the stairs, earning a few "Watch it Weasley!" Or, "Don't trip on your rags!" Harry however took this as a competition, he clutched his book tighter and ran after Ron, Hermione gave out a noise of offense before she took after him as well. As they all ran down the hill it was a miracle none of them tripped over themselves.

Harry was first down the hill, Ron a close second and Hermione a wheezing third. They all caught there breath, fixing glasses or hair before looking around at what Hagrid had in store.

Then almost perfectly in sync were two voices,

"Hippogriffs!" Cried Harry excitedly.

"Hippogriffs?!" Draco cried with disbelief.

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