Truth Be Told

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It's truth or dare time—WIZARD EDITION
*takes place sixth year*

Harry didn't want to play Wizard Truth or Dare, but given that both Slytherin and Griffindor tables erupted into excited cheers he figured he had no choice.

Splitting into different years, him, Ron and Hermione all stuck close to each other as they shuffled over to the Slytherin table which was housing the Sixth-Years. Draco's eyes met his and he gave him his typical sneer, cozying himself up in between Crabbe and Goyle who looked excited to play. Snape had walked over sulkily, not looking very thrilled to be teaching them the rules after being sent over by Dumbldore.

He stood at the head of the table and set himself up against the table, hands propping himself up as he cleared his throat loudly, quieting the chattering table. Everyone looked expectantly at him as he waited for everyone to finish talking, giving a stink eye to a few stray Griffindors who whispered to each other still. He cleared his throat once more and blinked boredly,

"I expect you've all played Truth or Dare before, exactly the thing I'd expect from you childish lot. It is the same principle but the game is enchanted for you to only speak a truth, and you cannot forfeit a dare." His eyes looked at them all dangerously, "I repeat, do not forfeit a dare. Now I will not be taking questions so play responsibly and don't bother me." He finished, walking away away with his robe billowing as he took back his seat next to Dumbldore.

"Truth or dare Mudblood!" Pansy blurted excitedly, looking at Hermione with a smug smile.

Hermione was taken by surprise but crossed her arms and rose her eyebrow at her,

"Truth." She spoke calmly.

"Are you in love with Weasley?" She asked, the Slytherins beside her egging on Hermione as she blushed.

Ron looked at Harry with wide eyes, Harry averted his gaze—certain that he would laugh if he saw his dumbfounded expression. Hermione chewed her lip and looked back up at Pansy who was smirking smugly,

"I have a certain amorous devotion directed towards him yes."

"Was that English?" Ron mouthed to Harry, Harry shrugged and resisted the small smile that tugged on his lips.

The game continued and it had been revealed that Crabbe and Goyle had both had crushes on Draco, to which Draco blushed and averted eye contact from the two of them. In fact, most everyone in Slytherin had some sort of crush, or ongoing infatuation with him. The Griffindors that Harry was convinced were lesbians gagged in response to it, but Harry could tell that some Griffindors looked at Draco with a lovey expression, stupid smiles on there faces as Draco laughed at someone who admitted to pissing there pants at school.

Harry hadn't been left alone either, askers had been proding him the entire length of the game, to which he had responded Truth, he didn't want to risk doing something ridiculous. It was nearing the end of the game and Pansy had shot up her hand again, this time turning to her own house, eyes resting on Draco who rolled his eyes at her.

"Dare." He responded with a bored tone, not bothering to wait for her to ask.

She gave him a smile of triumph and her eyes lingered on Harry, who grew uncomfortably suspicious with her glinting eyes.

"I dare you to kiss Harry." She spoke quickly.

Draco looked at her, his eyes widened and a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Parkinson, what the bloody hell is this? Preschool?" He spat, face pink with blush.

Harry's own face was red, which only grew in embarrassment as eyes stared at him with confusion.

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