Understanding what is Misunderstood

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We are faced with a tremendous amount of tragedy when we are misunderstanding the common necessities that is ours to maintain. The underlining purpose, or reason, for us to exist. It is not in religion that is our purpose, nor is it a preset dream that was laid out in front of us that we need to follow. The purpose that one being has, is created from their own imagination the life they believe they need to live in order to be satisfied. We conceptually evolve into a realm that never becomes us. We dive into our own perspectives and believe our knowledge.
The belief structure is the catalyst for building a weak foundation for a corrupt image to be seen and to be experienced. This is commonly known as the Shadow of ourselves. Duality shows that any being in its own state of existence will contain too extremes in any motion made.
"As above So below"
The common misperception that life tends to follow the course laid out in front of them, directs the attention of many towards one common focus point. This begins to take us to a climax of a grand story to be told. One that holds any secrets within the unspoken words. What is hiding behind the veil is most sacred piece of information. The Possession that holds a strong tie to the one and control of the Intentions of the matter. And through many devious Acts, any information given will be perceived by an ignorant and curious thought.
"When seeking validation for the truth, understand the truth of validation. One does not need validated in order for it to be truth. As the truth needs not known of to be truth."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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