32. Prom Night

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I groaned loudly when I felt the sunlight seeping in through my window. I wasn't ready to get up, in fact I wasn't sure I could get up. After spending the night out with my friends and drinking too much alcohol. I was now feeling like I was about to die.

My head was hammering, my throat was dry and I was regretting every shot of Vodka and Hennessy I took.

I wasn't a heavy drinker, in fact I hardly drank anything besides water and fruit juice. Yet last night was a cause for celebration. After giving a good speech and collecting our diplomas as well as awards... We just had to celebrate.

So my friends and I had gone out for dinner to do just that. At first we were just enjoying some steak, roast salmon, mash potatoes, salad and champagne. Then next thing I know we're at  Jake and Jackson's house, drinking a whole lot of liquor.

In the moment it was all well and good and fun.

Yet now I was on the verge of death. As dramatic as that may sound... It was how I felt. Which was why I turned my back to my window and pulled the sheet over my head to block out the light.


If I felt like this now, how was I going to make it to prom? I'd been waiting for the day I'd be crowned Prom Queen. Maybe I'd have to miss it because I really didn't feel so good.

I tried to recall how I made it home last night. As I was certain everyone was too drunk to drive. Then it all came back to me.

"Why is she crying?" Liz asked Gabriana her eyes droopy.

While I sat drinking Henny, bawling my eyes out.

"No idea, hey do you think blood is red or red is blood?" Gabriana replied, comely wasted.

Liz rolled her eyes at her and made her way over to me.

"Why are you crying?" She asked, as softly as she could muster.

I looked up at her with puppy eyes and kept repeating

"It's not fair! It's not fair!"

She seemed confused until she looked down at my phone, that was on Zion's Instagram page.

A video of him out with the football team was playing. He was smiling a big smile. While his teammates hoisted him in the air.

"What the heck is this?!" Liz asked angrily and I began to sob like a baby again.

"It's not fair! It's not fair!" I kept repeating.

Oh no!

I thought as I sat up straight under the sheet.

I had messed up big time!

Liz was probably going to have my neck when I saw her again. She must've figured something had happened between Zion and I. After I'd been denying there ever being a thing for the longest time.

"Plotting the lies you're going to feed me" Liz's voice came from my left and I dragged the sheet from over my body.


Liz was sitting in a chair in the corner of my room. Looking directly at me, as if she had been waiting forever for me to wake up. What the heck was going on?

"How did you-" I began but she cut me off.

"How did I get into your room this early in the morning? Oh, If you remember clearly... I had to sleep here last night" she replied, finishing my question and giving me the answer.

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