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Hey everyone, it's Zahara Necrodopolis and I'm back.

For some of you who don't know , I'm Zed's sister well adopted sister.

I met Zed and his family when they took me into their home after my parents were killed along with the rest of my family leaving me only one.

As many of you know fifty years ago, an accident at Seabrook power plant resulted in explosion and caused half of the population of Seabrook turn into brain-eating zombies.

Those who weren't affected decide to construct a wall to separate zombies and the normals which became Zombietown. So the government created these wristband that delivers electromagnetic pulses to keep zombies from craving brains.

Finally some zombies including Me, Zed, and our friends Eliza and Bonzo was transfer from Zombietown to Seabrook High which to me was.. Mmm how can I say it oh yeah the peppy life.

When we get to Seabrook High, we were learning from a basement which was lame and terrible until Zed decided to do something about it so Zed snuck out one day and met his current girlfriend now Addison Wells and everything changed.

Zed and Addison fell in love with each other.

Zed ended up on the football team and was able to get us from the basement to where we was able to eat in the cafeteria and that if he won more games, more demands for zombies will be made.

I met Addison for the first time at a zombie party that was happening in Zombietown when Zed invited her.


I was dancing with Eliza and Bonzo when Zed called me over so I ran over to him and gave him a smile saying

"Hey Zedster" doing our handshake.

Zed smiled looking at Addison and say

"Addison, this is amazing and talented adopted sister Zahara. When I say talented, I mean talented. My sister can sing her butt off"

I nudged smiling and say

"Yeah, Yeah. Hi, nice to meet you. Zed talks about you all the time"

Addison smiled saying

"Nice to meet to you too and hope it was good things"

I smiled saying

"Of course"

End of flashback↓↓↓

Me and Addison hit it off pretty well like I told her about my love for music and singing. I even told her why Zed said adopted like my parents and stuff.

Addison ended up telling us her secret that she wears a wig to hide her white hair.

Next the big football which was the worst day of my life that I will never forget. Bucky who is Addison's cousin and his friends find out about Zed's Z-band hack and stole Eliza's laptop and ended up hacking our Z-bands causing us to zombie at the football game which was chaos.

Ofc we were detained by Zombie patrol which is the worse thing ever. You're basically in the dark in a cage just sitting there feeling like you're going paranoid and stuff.

Addison ended up revealing her secret about her white hair which everyone saw her as a freak as she was kicked off the cheer team but she didn't care.

Ofc Eliza was so upset about what happened abd decided to seek revenge on the Seabrook High cheer team by sabotaging the competition but we was able to stop her and talked to her and tell her it's not right.

The Seabrook High did struggle with the competition due to not having enough members but with the help of us, they was able to perform though we didn't win the competition.

Something better happen instead. We welcome everyone and gets along now.

Addison even got Zoey a real puppy since at first Zombies couldn't have pets.

I even made some music singing buddies and pursuing my music dream.

Then all of a sudden werewolves came to Seabrook which cause chaos.

They were looking for something that was taken from them.

The anti monster laws were in affect again which Zombies couldn't go prawn and I couldn't perform for the first time.

Addison was disappointed.

Then my brother Zed came up with an idea to run for predz against Bucky to get Prawn.

That's when werewolves started attending Seabrook.

They thought Addison was the great alpha which Addison believed it to but that wasn't the case.

So Zed didn't win the election.

Then the werewolves was trouble and we ended up helping them stopping the demolition at Seabrook power plant but something in the control cause the explosives to go off as they destroyed the plant making the werewolves sick

So we felt bad and decided to crash Prawn for their last time.

But something happened.

The moonstone wasn't destroyed, it was actually buried.

So we was able to get the moonstone and save the werewolves as they stayed in Seabrook.

My music is taking off which is amazing.

Zed and Addison are doing great.

Wynter's brother Fabian has a huge crush on Eliza.

My music buddies Marie is doing great, she's also making music with me.

Including Issac and Guess what he has a crush on Wynter.

As for me and Wyatt

Yep I'm dating Wyatt Lykensen.

He's a werewolf.

We first met when werewolves appeared in Seabrook and it was love at literally first sight. I was his mate.

We're doing good you know being boyfriend and girlfriend.

Now I'm 17 years old and things are just getting better and weirder in Seabrook.

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