Welcome Back to Seabrook

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Zed and Zahara : Welcome back to Seabrook.

Addison : We started off as a perfectly
planned community full of cheer.

Zed : Then zombies showed up.

Zahara : And then werewolves.

Zed : So, naturally, well, supernaturally,
we had some bumps along the way.

Zahara : But now, we've all learned
to live together, united.

Addison : Seabrook is becoming a perfect place.

Zed : Well, almost.

Zahara : Monsters still have one big barrier to break through, like getting into college

Addison : But if we win
the championship football game tonight, we're going to have our first zombie recruited to college.

Zed : And the doors to higher ed
will be open to all monsters.

Zahara : And then we'll all be together.

Zed : And maybe, in college, one special
girl with white hair won't stand out.

Addison : And maybe she'll even find
a place where she belongs.

Zahara : And Zombie girl may pursue her dream sharing her music with the support of her werewolf boyfriend of course.

Zed and Zahara : So win tonight's football game,and everything in Seabrook
will be perfect.

Addison : So we can't let anything get in our way.

Third pov

Zed was on the field with his football uniform on as he looks forward saying

"Hey, happy-very-go-lucky Zombie Zed here. In Seabrook, humans, zombies,
and werewolves are on the same team."

Zed and the football team was on the field practicing for tonight's game.

Zed gives his werewolf team mate a high five saying

"Hey, what up, dude?"

His teammate cheered and say

"Yeah, Zed."

Then the coach came up to Zed saying

"Hey, Zed."

Zed says


The coach looks at him and say

"Thanks to you, I'm a brand-new man."

Zed says


The coach says

"No more going to the mall in pajama pants."

Zed says


The coach says

"And no more living in my mom's basement."

They looked over and sees the coach's mom as she cheers

"Thank you, Zed!"

The coach waves at her saying

"Hi, Mom!"

The coach looks at Zed and say

"I am so pumped for tonight's championship game.I prepared a victory dance. You wanna see it?"

Zed smiles saying


The coach started poppin and lockin as Zed looks at him and say

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