Chapter 1

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A/N: I do NOT own MLB or any other franchise used in this book

Marinette's POV

"I can't believe I have a bully for a daughter!" Mom screamed at me for the third time this week. "I regret ever giving birth to you!"

I've tried to tell her and prove to her that I'm not a bully but she doesn't care, she is wrapped around Lila's little finger as tight as possible.

"You deserved to have your heart broken by Chat Noir, I wouldn't want him to date a monster like you anyways." Dad said and I felt my heart completely shatter. "Go to your room and don't come back out until you're leaving for school tomorrow, I don't want to see your face and you'll only scare the customers away anyways."

I did as told and simply laid on my bed blankly. I know something is wrong with me but I don't care, I don't feel anything right now and that's a good thing. I can guarantee that if I could feel right now, Hawkmoth would probably be sending every akuma he has after me.

"Marinette, are you alright?" Tikki asked but I didn't respond, causing her to fly into my face and gasp in shock when she looked me in the eyes.

Tikki started to cry and she landed on my cheek, attempting to hug me. I just ignored her hug and went to sleep since it'll pass the time till tomorrow faster.

Time Skip

I got up at the first ring of my alarm and got dressed for school. I left without so much as a goodbye to or from either of my parents and not eating anything either, not like it really matters anymore. I arrived at the classroom and no other students were even present in the school building, Ms. Bustier was shocked since I've always been late ever since I got the miraculous. Despite her shock she didn't say anything as I sat at the back of the class where I've been sitting since everybody turned on me like the vipers they are. As time went by people slowly filtered into the room, all of my classmates sending seething glares at me without me reacting in the slightest, though I used to flinch every time anybody sent a glare at me. I could tell by the fact that the glares intensified that they didn't like my reaction, or lack thereof. As soon as Ms. Bustier turned her back to start the lesson a crumpled paper ball was thrown at my head but I just let it bounce off harmlessly. I know that inside the crumpled up paper ball is nothing but either an insult or a threat that they'll make good on after school. I picked it up and put it in the waste bin in the corner behind me which is still nearly filled with all the other ones from just yesterday alone.

That's how all classes went, when the teachers turned their backs things were thrown at me by each and every one of my classmates. Even the formerly sweet and innocent Rose takes part in it. Honestly, I just don't care anymore, they're not worth anything to me anymore and neither is anybody else for that matter.

Soon enough lunch rolled around and everybody dashed out the door, except for me, I just laid my head down and went to sleep.

3rd Person POV

Ms. Bustier looked up from her desk curiously since this is the first time any of her students hasn't rushed out the door. She's not dumb, she's noticed the glares and how everybody treats Marinette, but she doesn't know why they treat her like that. Ms. Bustier also noticed the dead look on Marinette's face when she first walked into the room, and if she's being honest, seeing her once happiest student have such a dead look on her face scared her. She was going to ask Marinette what was going on until she noticed Marinette is asleep. In response Ms. Bustier pulled out a blanket from the closet and laid it over Marinette who had no reaction, even when Ms. Bustier accidentally stepped on her foot. Everything she was observing about Marinette only made her worry more.

Ms. Bustier went back to her seat and ate her own lunch and soon enough the bell rang. About a minute after the bell Alya rushed into the room all pissed and stormed straight up to the sleeping Marinette.

"What gives you the right to fat shame Lila!" Alya screamed at Marinette.

"What are you talking about?" Ms. Bustier asked, alarmed.

"During lunch Marinette cornered Lila in the bathrooms and started fat shaming her." Alya explained.

"That's impossible." Ms. Bustier said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Alya asked, confused and alarmed.

"Marinette hasn't left this room since she entered before school even started." Ms. Bustier answered. "She's been sleeping for the whole lunch period."

"But Lila said-" Alya said, unsure of herself.

"And I'm saying she didn't, I'm an eyewitness." Ms. Bustier said back calmly. "What evidence aside from Lila's word is there?"

Alya couldn't come up with an answer and instead started continually stuttering trying to come up with one. In the end Marinette woke up and stretched before taking the blanket off confused while Alya walked to her seat.

"I'll put that away." Ms. Bustier said kindly. "Have you been getting enough sleep lately Marinette?"

"Yes ma'am." Marinette responded, the first two words she's spoken since she lost her emotions.

Marinette's voice didn't sound cold or angry, or anything really, it just sounded broken. The new sound of Marinette's voice caught Alya's attention slightly, just enough to take note of it but not really pay attention to it. Ms. Bustier looked back at Marinette in shock at the sound of her voice, all the joy, kindness, and determination she's used to hearing from Marinette was gone.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it." Ms. Bustier said just as the others entered the room along with Lila, who is miraculously perfectly fine despite all the tears she'd shed moments before.

Alya's eyes locked onto the look on Lila's face and in her eyes. Upon further inspection Alya noticed that Lila's eyes didn't even have a tint of red which they should have if she had actually cried. But it could just be that she just has a quick recovery time, Alya tried to convince herself.

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