Chapter 21

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|Chapter 21|


I slipped out of bed and rubbed my hand across my face. It was night time already, I was suppose to been going to trap early today but I forgot because I fell asleep with Mira.

I stood up and walked into the bathroom, and shut the door. I handled my hygiene, which consisted of taking a shower and brushing my teeth, then I went into my closet.

I grabbed a black shirt and some black jeans and slipped on my black combat boots. I was ready to go back to trap and handle this shit with the Jamaicans.

I slipped on my clothes and shoes and walked over to the bed. I leaned over the bed and pecked her neck and lips. She stirred a little in her sleep, and I smiled as I walked out of my bedroom.

I still was a little hesitant on being here since the police raided my house. I was planning on moving into my other secret house. It was big as the house, just one room less but it will work for now.

I walked into my office and grabbed my gun and tucked it in my back pocket, and also grabbed my car keys to my Benz.

I walked up out the house, and unlocked my car door, before getting in.

I drove off down the street and felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out my pocket and looker at my message from Kebo.

"Nigga' where you at"

"I'm bout to go to the trap," I texted back.

"Oh well me and Cyntgia just got off our conversation, so I will be over there besides we got shit to handle," He texted.

"Yah, meet you there," I placed my phone back in my pocket and parked in the back of the ware house.

My trap was a big warehouse and it was far away from town, so I didn't have to worry about niggas trying to find my shit.

I stepped up out of my Benz, and walked to the warehouse door and knocked the secret best onto the door.

I stepped inside as it opened the door, and looked at all my workers that was working. I inwardly smiled to myself this was how I liked shit to be.

I nodded at the workers and they silently greeted me as they continued working. I walked to my office, and nodded at the other workers that were bagging weed and cocaine.

I pressed my hand on my hand sensor, and my door automatically opened.

I stepped in and looked over at Julius who was looking through my stuff, and didn't know that I was in here.

"Aye," I barked. He immediately jumped and looked over at me fear slightly on his face.

"Man you scared the shit out of me!" He exclaimed.

I looked at him weirdly, on why he was looking through my shit and how the hell did he get in here. Nobody wasn't allowed to come in my office without my fucking permission.

"Nigga the fuck you doing in here," I frowned coldly. I couldn't help to feel that this nigga was giving me the wrong vibe, and plus he was like a brother to me so to have him do this sneaky shit is what piss me off.

"I was just looking for something I-I had left," He stumbled over his words. I still looked at him weirdly and bonded slightly as I walked over to my desk and sat in my seat.

"The fuck you standing here for," I barked.

He jumped and mumbled something under his breath- "I ain't go to deal with this nigga for long,"

I looked over at him weirdly once again. The vibe I was getting from him was getting worser, and him standing right there wasn't making it no better for me.

I sighed and turned around and grabbed my lighter behind me, then I felt a gun cock and it was pointed behind my head.

I stood frozen for a second. "Now who the bitch now,"

I turned around and looked at Julius, the nigga I once called my brother hold a gun to me. I shook my head at him, it looked as if he was about to piss in his pants, as his hands shook as he held the gun.

I guess I was going to play a few games on him since he now all of sudden have the balls to hold a gun up at me.

"Well it looks like you still the bitch," I smirked.

"See that's the problem, you always thought you could be the boss, but that shit ain't gone happen today,"

"Actually I am the boss, and you just one of my workers," I corrected as I stood up.

"Man sit the fuck down, I got the gun bitch, and I can kill you any second!" He screamed as he hands shook in fear.

I smirked and looked at the nigga that I once called family. I guess when they said the ones you call family, are the ones that will turn on you first.

I thought I could really trust him, but like its said. Money is power, niggas will do anything to get some money in there hands.

"So you the one that fuck shit up with the Jamiacans, and tried to make my workers, loyal workers look bad! Then you tried to make Amira look bad!" I barked pissed.

"If you gone pull the trigger then, pull that bitch!"

He placed his hands on the trigger and stared at me fear covering his face. As soon as he tried to press his hand on the trigger a shot rang throughout the room.

Julius laid slumped on the floor with a bullet wound in his head. He just laid there dead, there was nothing else I could do for him.

I looked over at Kebo that I didn't notice come in the room. We shared a look before shaking our head. No words were said as he called for the clean up crew.

I knew Kebo was slightly hurt because he known Julius before I did, and he trusted Julius.

I known this nigga for years and he just was gone turn on me like that. Just for the money and power, he had kid that was only 2 years old.

It was like he was picking the money and power over his child. He should of known that he was just going to kill me and get killed in return.

I knew one day I was gone die, but I didn't want to die because of greed. I sighed and watched the clean up crew clean up the mess.

I just really need a blunt badly. I just needed something to calm my nerves, because I know shit is more to the story and I kinda knew that Julius wouldn't just turn on us like that unless someone was pushing him on, there had to be somebody else.

And at that I knew that there were more snakes and they were swimming deeper than they should be going. But this shit about to stop, because I'm out of jail and my trigger finger is itchy.

I'm definently ready to fuck some shit up, and some people up. I am going to do anything I can do to fuck anything or any person up that stands in my way.


A/N: Who knew that Julius was a trader?? But there is more to find out, and more secrets will be coming out!

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