Bad Awakening

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Hey Guys, how are you, hopefully fine. XD

Chapter 2 is now ready to read and probably full of grammar mistakes so please don't be mad at me even if I repeat myself! X3

P.S. The picture is from me. O(^///w///^)O

Slowly and with pain tried Momoko to wake her self up as someone nudged soft her shoulder.

Suddendly she heard people cried out in pain, sobbing and some itchy liquid on her head. It hurts the teenage girl to open up her eyes, but she did and what Momoko saw let her wish that she had never open her pink eyes.

Everywhere she look were blood, dead bodys, crying people and pain.

But also a big soldier, I thinkhe is a Major, standing next to me and smile at me friendly.

"Your finally awake, little girl, take it slowly, your hurt really badly!" he says with a soft voice "I will help you with your belt, so please don't get scared". The Major with gray hair opened my belt and help me stand up.

At first Momoko was really shaking on her legs but after a few seconds she could stand alone.

With a flesh the memory of the nice soldier next to her, the teenage girl slowly turned her head in his direction. With tears in the eyes she saw the blood on his head, the closed eyes, the big metal on his left side and that he doesn't breathe anymore.

Suddendly Momoko felt how someone pulled her arm to the next exit "We have to go now, little girl, the plane is about to sink!" the Major yelled.

"But what about him? I can't leave him here! He saved me, if it wasn't for him, I would be the one under this metal!" I cried out softly.

With sad eyes, the Major looked at his fellow soldier and says "We can't do anything for First Lieutenant AJ McKane anymore. But I know that he would be happy if you come out of here save!"

Thank you AJ! With this last thought, I ran together with the Major to the next exit.

He jumps out first and Momoko was right behind him.

But as she jumps into the cold water, something wraps around her foot and pulled the teenager together with the broken airplane into the deeps of the ocean.

Momoko tried to hold in her brethe in but then she just give up and let out the life-giving air. Please help me, someone, anyone ...

Thats when she felt a strong current bevor everything went black again!

The first thing that Momoko realise was the the warm cozy feeling around her but not onely around her, it was everywhere, in my body, in my mind and my heart!

Dead slow she open her eyes and saw that she drove in the middle of the water.

Wide-eyed the teenager look at a beaoutiful creature with very long orang hair floating in water, two bright candy cotton pink eyes and a body with curves in the right places.

But the most surprising was the long coral pink fin where her legs shoud be.

"Do you want to live?" the creature ask with a soft voice.

I was so amazed that I could only nod slowly.

"It shall then be" the beaoutiful mermaid said with a big smile.

She got really close to me, kisses my fore head and once again every thing went black

Thats the end of chapter 2 but for my next chapter I need some help, please.

I still need an evil character, a man who onely loves two thinks, him self and the mermaid with the coral pink fin.

If you want to help me, then I need especially:

The name

How he looks

And maybe a special talant ore power for under water

But remember he is a merman.

If there is nothing until frieday 8.5.15, I will use my one charakter, if I have one till then. XD

Thanks and bey till next chapter!!!

Your Blueskar.

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