Explain Love [Dean]

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~Dean x Angel!Reader~

You, as an Angel, didn't really understood emotions. Your brother Castiel, was down with his friends and you began to miss him so you joined him.

You zaped in place where was Cas supposed to be. It was in some hotel, as you heard it. Soon, you stood before doors. You just zaped in and looked around. You zaped into sofa, next to you sat tall man, with brown longer hair. He looked at you and jumped up. "Wh-.." He couldn't end his sentence because you got up and he backed. "Dean! Cas!" He yells. As you heard name Cas you looked around. In a while showed up shorter man with greeniest eyes you ever seen. You scanned him and stared at him for a while. Then Cas walked into room. You fastly looked away from man at Cas.

"[Y/N]?" He asked sounding suprised. "Indeed" You replied and nodded. He smiled and walked to you, wraping hands around you. You just stood there. "Uh..What are you doing?" You asked. "Oh. This is hug, you're supposed to do same as me"He replied and you slowly wraped hands around him. It was suprisingly comfortable. "What made you come here?" Cas asked. "Cas who's this?" Tall man asked. "This is [Y/N], she's angel as me" He replied turning at them. "[Y/N], this is Sam and Dean" He said and you nodded at them, showing that you understand. "I just wanted to come. Nothing is happening" They seem more relaxed.

"Wait, you are going to stay?" Dean asked. "Indeed" You replied staring at him. "Dean, I think angels like you" Sam made face at him. "Oh shut your cake hole" Dean replied and walked back into room. Sam again sat on sofa and you looked at Cas. "I think I need to explain you few things" He said with some emotion in voice. You just nodded.

You stretched your hands and looked around room. You just came from hunt and you couldn't tear your eyes of Dean. You didn't knew why, but always around him, your heart beat faster and you felt nervious. You couldn't really know what is awkward because even Castiel couldn't explain it to you. But those moments when you were alone with Dean, you could call awkward because you could read his mind and all he thought were you. You didn't understood why he was thinking just about you, you thought you did something wrong so you came to Sam.

"Sam?" You talked to room. Soon Sam showed up with small smile. "Yes?" He walked to you. "I want to ask you something" He sighed, when you didn't understood something, you came to him or to Cas. "What it is?" He asked calmly. "Why is Dean always thinking about me? Did I something wrong?" You asked and he looked down at you and you could swear that if he would be drinking something, he would choke on it. "And what thoughts are they?" He asked, sitting on chair toward you.

"Usualy just that he shouldn't be staring at me or awfully good I look" Sam bit his bottom lip. You tilt your head a bit. "I think he likes you" He replied. "Like...me? I don't understand" You looked at Sam confused. He sighed. "I mean he likes you, like love you [Y/N], like he is attached to you" He said and you looked even more confused. "What does mean love?" You said staring at Sam. "That is when your heart beat rises up around someone you like, you can't tear your eyes of them, you dream about them, you care for them and you worry about them. That you like everything about them" Sam said with bit sad tone.

"I think I like Dean" You replied in thoughts. Sam looked at you shocked. "What makes you think that?" He asked. "Because of what you said, I feel about Dean like that" You replied staring into his eyes. "Then you should tell him!" He smiled. "What if it breaks our friendship?" You asked worried. "I think now. You said that he thinks you are attractive, then tell him. You'll see..." Sam said and you nodded. "Thank you Sammy" And then you zaped away. "It's SAM!" He rolled his eyes.

You found Dean riding Impala, probably to buy himself pie. "[Y/N]! What did I told you about zaping into baby!" He said and you looked at ground. "Sorry" You mumbled and he sighed. "It's okay" He said and you smiled, looking at him. "Dean, I have to tell you something" You said and he still watched road. "Go ahead" He replied. "I like you" You said and in same moment you two almost rode from road but you grabed wheel and looked confused at shocked Dean.

"W-What?" He looked at you. "I told I like you" You replied lightly annoyed and he grabed wheel back. "I heard that but what? How? Aren't you angles unable to feel or something?" He looked at you and back at road. "We can feel Dean" You replied grumpily. "And I can't tell how because I don't know how" You replied.

In his thought, he sounded happy about it. "Dean" You said quietly. "Yeah?" He snapped back. "I can read thoughts" You said and red colour showed up on his cheeks. "Uh.."He kept quiet. Then he sighed. "I-I like you too" He said and you smiled. "Good" You replied. Whole ride was quiet. When you stoped by shop and went out of car, you walked to him and kissed his cheek. "Because you need to explain me what love means".

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