Praying to Angel [Castiel]

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~Human!Castiel x Angel!Reader~

~Castiel's POV~


You were my reason to breath.

You were my reason to stay awake.

You were my reason to give life another chance.

You were my reason to smile.

You were my reason to show who I really am.

You gave me chance to find this new world interesting.

You could wake me up with kiss and I kissed back, without thinking.

You made me realise what love means.

One stap toward, one back and your life changes. One single step makes you die in one breath.

Dying and living, smiling and crying, appearing and leaving, angel and human. You are now one of them, one of those who I was before.

And I can't bring you back to me. My hands aren't enough strong to do that. My wings were taken away to you, at least my brother take care of you, look at you and tell you everything will be okay. Because one day, we will meet again. I can't tell when, why or how. I can't give you answers you are searing for. I can only tell you this, that I will go trough Earth, Hell and Heaven to find you. I won't give up. And I hope you won't give up on me.

My skills aren't best, I was just simple soldier, fighting in wars that could be won. I never thought you could wake human in angel, that is how powerfull you were, here on this place called Earth where I got stuck, because of ones we hate, ones we don't dare talk about.

Dean once told me, that when you look at me, you eyes shine with something that cannot be told, yet can be heard in wishpers. I didn't understood, until you smiled and told me words, that my mind accepted after time. That you love me, this what you told me, didn't you?

I can only pray, pray and you maybe will hear it. Letters, messages and paper is usless, only thing I need is voice. I could hear when someone prayed for me, can you? I hope so. My voice maybe will bring you to toughts that I am thinking of.

Angels are soldiers, powerfull, emotionless, but you, you brought emotions in my heart without even trying. You understood my tears, you understood my confusion, you understood me. Why can't I understand things now, when you are gone?

Every day, I am watching sky, hoping for feather to fall on my face, to warm me up, how I warmed you with my wings. You always loved to see them. You found them wonderfull, I didn't knew why, but now, I want to see those yours. Why can't you show them? My quiet prayers are unheard, as I think. Maybe somewhere in heaven, you can hear me.

Here on Earth, I am with Dean and Sam, they are really nice, but they are upset, each time they hear your name. They would always apologize, to me and to you. I understand it. It wasn't their fault. It was one who made you an angel. Once I heard that noice of your change, I can't sleep. I have nightmares. I fear of lonely night, where I stare at wall, or at sky.

Why did you had to save me? You knew I couldn't save you, I wasn't angel anymore and you still loved me. I understand now, this is what love does? Gives and takes? I don't want to be in love [Y/N], it hurts, it hurts so much. My mind is full of you, my heart is breaking into two and my body is shaking. Tears won't bring you back. But can you come here down? To save me? To save me from pain? If you can't, I won't be mad, how could I be? I'm too much in love to be mad.

Promises aren't breaking, am I right? We can't break them, so you still love me? We promised, that we will love eachother, even if we won't be close. I didn't broke that promise. I won't, you can trust me. I was an angel, do you remember?

You told me, that you fell for me, but truth is I fell from heaven for you, I didn't knew why, but I do now. Trough pain I feel, that year we spend together, was most beautiful time from my life and now I am about to die. I can't live here alone, without you.

You wouldn't want this for me, that's why I didn't died. You are my guardian angel, I can feel it. You watch over me, from skies. Soft lips of yours, I can feel them in my sleep. I can smell your aroma of summer, safety and feathers. I can feel your warm hand on my cheek.

You are in my memories, in my heart. I cannot believe even if I see because I see you everywhere but you are angel now, you doesn't have time for selfish me.

I don't want pity, apologize, warm words, hugs from friends, calming down. I want to see you, see your wings, smile, eyes, your warm hands. I want you back [F/N]. I need you back.

I don't deserve anything from life or my father. I did things I did. I fell on my knees, I changed. Believe me, I doesn't want anything just you. I want to hold you. But nothing brings you back. Not tears, prayers or hopes. It is time for your move.

I wish for miracle. If mistakes happen, why accidents not? Why can't you end here, in my hands.

Do I deserve you? No. Do I need you? Yes.

[Y/N], please. Come back to me, can you?

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