Chapter 1

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In the middle of the winter, during the seemingly never-ending blizzard that had been going on for days. The Duchess of the highest noble in the Ignis kingdom had just given birth to a beautiful daughter with silky silver hair. The mid-wife handed the child to the maids while she tended to the duchess. "My! just look at her! Isn't she the prettiest thing you have ever seen?" a young maid said excitedly. "What did you expect from the duke's daughter?" the one beside her chuckled. "But.... she doesn't look like the Duke at all.... Or the duchess for that matter..." said the clueless one of the group. "Shhh quiet! Do you want your head to roll off?" one of them whispered.

The duchess slowly opened her eyes and the mid-wife helped her up and gave her a glass of water. The duchess noticed the maids gathered around the child, "Ah is that my child? Bring him here, let me see him" she said with a arrogant smile. "My apologies madam... but it's a girl" the mid-wife said with a bow. "HUH? What do you mean it's a girl?! I was told it was going to be a boy!" she looked furious as she threw the glass of water to the floor and screamed hysterically.

All the maids were startled and turned to look what happened and the maid holding the child hugged her tightly in fear. The child meanwhile flailed trying to escape the suffocating grip. {What the hell is going on? Why am I so small? And why is that woman shouting? Also let go of me! I can't breathe, idiot!} The child - though not that much of a child since she was actually a 16 year old reincarnated in this tiny body – was of course startled as well and very confused.

"How could- how could they lie to me! I was promised a son! How- how will I hold my position here now..." the duchess continued to shout and yell while the mid-wife stood beside her looking down and shivering, scared for her life. The maids whispered among themselves about what they should do. {Ugh I have had enough! Shut up already!} the child thought to herself as she suddenly opened her eyes and took a firm hold of the maid's glasses and in a clean swish threw it at the duchess with a loud yell meaning to say 'shut up' but it came out something like "Uwaaa waa" upon hearing that she covered her mouth {Right... I can't speak...}. Everyone was startled by this as the glasses flew off and hit the duchess straight in the eye. The duchess screamed and kept a hand on her eye as she boiled with anger "You- you little- How dare you?!" The duchess tried getting up and going to the child but the maids and the mid-wife grabbed her and struggled, trying to stop her. "Let go off me! All of you! I will get rid of that thing before the duke can even lay eyes on it!".

The child then looked away and hugged the maid, only slightly scared according to herself {Yeah... maybe I shouldn't have...}

Meanwhile all the news reached the duke.....

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