Chapter 1

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The main characters will be Sakura and Hinata. Since it will be a trouble to change the Point of View(POV) all the time,I decided to put some symbols to show who's point of view it is.

🌸 Sakura
🌻 Hinata

I didn't want to use different fonts because it would be interfering with my format of writing,if you know what I mean.

So here it goes!


🌸 My plain room illuminated by the natural light shows all the tiny particles of dust floating all around. The rays of the sun escaped the gaps between my curtains, it hit my face and brightened up the vast sheet of black. I fluttered my eyes open and immediately got up on my feet to prepare for the day. Since I live alone after my clan massacre, I have to count on myself to wake up and prepare everything on my own. Sad is it not? My mid-back long hair fell behind me covering half of my clan's symbol, the Hyuga clan. Oh, did I mention? I am Sakura Hyuga.

I have cherry blossom hair and green emerald eyes much to my family's dislike. Why? Because I do not look like a Hyuga at all. I am an outcast. As much as I would like to rant, I will refrain myself from complaining about them as they are all slaughtered now. Who killed them? Someone who is still breathing the cool fresh air beyond the fields of the Land of Fire with the crime of massacring my clan. Someone with long raven hair tied into a low ponytail and yield the eyes of an infamous clan.

Today is the day of my graduation. I am officially a ninja now, it is the day I am officially able to start with my plan to avenge my family. Because I..

..Am and avenger.

🌻 My eyes softly blinked before completely revealing soft lavender orbs. Waking up to a cold empty apartment is lonely. Yes, I live all alone. My name? Well, my name is Hinata. Just Hinata. I do not have a family. I never knew them. I have been alone ever since I was born. Only the Hokage and Iruka visit me from time to time; and that pink haired girl of my age, the Hyuga. She often envied my eyes because it looks like a pair that belongs to a Hyuga's. But I envied her who have a family. Once have a family..

"Good morning." I said as I sat up on my bed. I greeted nobody, just my ceiling and floor, everything in between.


There goes the day of our graduation. I sat next to Sakura as usual and she flashed me a bright smile of hers.

Her and her fake smiles. I thought. Isn't easy watching your parents die in front of you, huh?

I smiled back at her and contained a sigh from escaping my lips.

"I was here first!" A loud childish voice shouted.

"No, I was!" Another voice yelled in reply.

Both Sakura and I turned our heads towards the direction and sweat dropped.

Why, you asked?

Because one of them is my annoying 'fanboy' you may call.

He pushed the blonde girl whom he fought with and ran towards us, then asked if he could sit next to me. Since a seat was available, I let him, much to Sakura's dismay. His name? The one and only loud mouth of Konohagakure, Naruto Haruno.

🌸 A boy with raven hair stared at me from behind. He has been staring at me ever since the day I met him in the woods.

What's up with him? I thought.

What happened in the woods? Simple. It was when my clan was still living, breathing. I ran away from home and got lost in the woods until I found a certain ravenette. He was alone as well, so we accompanied each other. When the sun started to set below the horizon, he walked me back to town. Ever since then, we never talked again. However, his gaze was always on me and I never missed recognising it, notice it. Maybe..happy about it? Maybe its because our family are enemies. No, not enemies. Rivals. Our family hates each other because of our eyes. Eyes which I do not own..yet. Maybe forever. Maybe because of that, that I was happy we still talked back then. Maybe because of that, that we are not talking now. Who is this guy? The youngest son of the main house, Sasuke Uchiha.

"Alright class, get to your seats. Congratulations to all of you who passed the test. I will now announce your teams of three." Iruka said.

My mind wandered elsewhere as he mentioned names which have nothing to do with me until he called out my name.

"Sakura Hyuga."

My ears perked up as I listened to the following names.


I fist pumped and grinned widely at Hinata as she smiled at me, showing that she was glad to be in the same team as me.

🌻 Naruto blabbered about things which happened around him and about his beloved ramen. I just smiled and pretended I was listening. Truth was, I stopped myself from making him shut up. He is just simply annoying. Maybe its because he has a family which made him annoying. Maybe it was not annoyance. Maybe he was simply being too friendly.

"Alright class, get to your seats. Congratulations to all of you who passed the test. I will now announce your teams of three."

I'm fine with anyone as long as none of them is Naruto. He will annoy me to death. I prayed.

"Sakura Hyuga."

I watched as Sakura listened intently to the next names being called which will be her teammate.


I gasped and smiled brightly at Sakura as she grinned back. A wide grin.

Oh, how I love her genuine smile.

Together, we listened to the last name being called.


Dedicated to _star_shine_2004_ for your support and kindness!


Published: April 2015Edited: 24 January 2017

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Published: April 2015
Edited: 24 January 2017

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