One|A Step Closer

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SITTING IN THE PARK, with a worn out book and my own company. I couldn't help at stare at the families, having fun. I kind of wished that would be me too. Ignoring the feeling inside me, I continued to read this book, I had read countless times.

As the hours passed, and families started leaving, I realized I would have to leave too. I dreaded going home, but realized I had no choice. I walked through the empty streets, that now had lamp posts, guiding the way, as the light shone. It wasn't long until I reached my house, where the light was on and carefully unlocked the door.

I closed the door behind me, and went to make my way upstairs.

"Brielle, where have you been? Do you know the time?"My mother scolded.

"At the park,"I respond.

"Again? You have a home yet you decide to go to the park almost every day?"She lecutred.

"You have siblings,that would love to hang out with you,"She continued.

"They don't ,"I muttered under breath. My mother stared at me in disbelief , but decided to ignore my statement .

"Your grounded, ever since I got with Seth, you've refused to even consider him to be your father, or even something close to that. Look honey,I'm trying okay," I kind of felt bad, but remembered she never took any of my feelings into consideration during this whole process.

"Sorry," I murmed.

"Just go to your room she replies, dinner will be ready in 30 minutes and Seth has  an announcement,". I nod and walk up to my room.

I felt bad, making mother feel likes this. But I hate Seth and he hates me too, he never takes me into acknowledgement , only when my mother is around. His two kids, that are younger then me are basically spoiled brats, and always want my mother's attention .

So I just distanced, myself from all of them. Because I didn't want to be involved. I don't try to make an effort because deep down I know they don't like me at all.

Checking my phone that I'd left on my desk, I saw about 50 messages from my bestfriend. I responded to all of them just in time to hear my mother shout dinner. I walked down the stairs and took a right into the dining room, our house wasn't small but I guess you could describe it as middle class.

I took my seat at the end where no one sat across from me next to Leo, the youngest of the two only being 7 years old and Chase the oldest of the two being 10 on the other side of Leo, both being across my mother and Seth.

"Okay kids, I have a big surprise for all of you," Seth said, obviously I knew it wasn't for me.

"I got a big promotion, that requires us to move," I was shocked  and so was mum, I guess she didn't know either but  they boys were excited.

"Congratulations, honey!" Mum beamed," Where are we moving too?" She continued.

"Italy!"he exclaimned , I noticed the colour of my mother's face drain out, but she tried her best to shield it.

I couldn't believe that she didn't care that we would be leaving our whole life behind, I'd lived here since I could remember and I'd made good friend's and how could I leave Erica?

"Wow, that's amazing,"She replies.

Did none of them care, we would be leaving our whole life we had here?

"But what about school, and friends and the fact we've lived her since I could remebeber, " I interrupted.

"Why can't you be happy for me,for us? We can afford good things now?" Seth remarks.

"Honey, stop being selfish and sit. Seth got the promotion, so we are moving to support him,"Mom yelled, deciding not to create a bigger argument I sit, but I knew she was hiding something I could see it.

Seth smirked at me, but all I could do is frown, I didn't want to move at all, but I had no choice. I couldn't stay at  Erica's my mother would never allow me, and now I'm being forced to go some where, I don't want.

I cam't believe mom would do this, she knows how much this place means to me. Her green eyes, tell me to stop being annoyed and eat.

Deciding to distract my self with thoughts, as Seth,Mom and the boys talk about what they are gonna do there, I compare myself to my mother. I mean I look nothing like her, she has green eyes and blonde hair. While I have blue eyes and black, slightly curly hair. Maybe I got these features from my dad, all I know is that he abandoned me.

Hey guys! I've decided to start Endure, again with a new, thought about plot instead of continuing on with the other version,that was basically improvised, and messy. I've kept it up for those, who'd like to read it, with an unfinished ending. But I would prefer, if users didn't try to continue the story on their account as  it is still a piece of my writing, but do feel free to use the plot I have come up with so far, this story is different, and I haven't decided if I will add a Mafia element, or not, but I'll guess we wait and see.

Thank you for so much support on my other book, which basically has bad grammar and planning. on a user

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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