Chapter 9, Idle talk 3 [9-12]

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Mother and father said they would be busy these days and so they won't play with me at all.

The other people said they're busy too. Even though they look like they're playing, doing hunting, singing and weaving clothes.

If only everyone made more kids.

Riese is already a twelve year old lady, that's why she could just look after someone.

But still, nothing to do...

'That's right! Riese could just go gather fruits too! Mother and father would say "being able to pick them by yourself, Riese is already a splendid lady isn't she" '

A good idea, even if I say so myself!

A~lright, if that's decided then, I have to prepare right away!

I take a bag where I can put in fruits, and bow and arrows because the forest is dangerous, and oh, that's right. I have to take that too!

Riese's treasure that she got on her tenth birthday.

My favorite that mother made sure to have me wear on my neck, telling me not to lose it.


Preparations are done.

It's my first time going to the forest on my own, so I'm getting excited.

Now, Riese's adventure starts now!

I will become cool like the ladies that appear in stories!

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'What should I do, what should I do? Where could this be...'

At the beginning it went well.

After leaving the village and taking care not to be discovered by anyone, there were fruits everywhere!

I found mother and father's favorite berry fruit!

But, by the time I realized, I couldn't find my way back...

But, but Riese is already a twelve year old lady, so she won't cry over something like this!

Even Hansel and Gretel from the story went back to their homes by themselves even when they were lost in the forest!

Riese can do it too!

But, I didn't come here while dropping bread or pebbles...

What should I do, what should I do?

And father even said that it's dangerous in the forest because there are goblins and orcs and humans...

'You can't cry Riese! A lady's tears are expensive after all! ... It looks like it's going to be dark soon'

Come to think of it, father told me.

That if I'm lost in the forest, I shouldn't move from there.

Because he will always come to my rescue, he said.

Riese decided to believe father and wait.

It's dangerous at night, so I have to find a place where I can hide.

When it becomes morning, father will surely come to look for Riese.

Riese has to tell mother and father that she didn't cry.

I wonder if they will be happy with the berry fruits.

I wonder if they will praise me with "You've done great, Riese."

Today I hide at that tree stump and then, tomorrow, tomorrow.

Mother, father...

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