𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒~ 𝐷𝑗 𝐵𝑜𝑠𝑠

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(Kurt's POV):
I think I might've fucked up. (Y/N) had probably already called the police by now and yet here I was lying on Bobby's bed speaking to his followers.
I couldn't care less about the continuous hate comments filling the chat, I'd finally gotten double digits, triple digits even! My excitement was cut short as I received a text from my dad.

"Fucking dad's texting me", I groaned under my breath.

He wanted me to go with him to one of his shitty DJ sets with some "DJ UnO?", I read aloud, at the mention of her name the chat on the livestream immediately started thirsting over UnO, I gave into their pressuring comments telling me to meet up with my dad to see UnO.
The sooner I leave the less chance I have of being arrested.
I ran down the stairs and got in my car, part of me had hoped that (Y/N) would be sitting there. I'd hate to admit it but she was nice company and I knew for a fact my dad wasn't going to entertain me to the way she did. I pulled up to the location my dad had sent me.

"Open the door", he yelled banging on the door.

"It's open", I sighed, I better get double the amount of views I currently had.

"Hey uh Kurt since when did you get a girlfriend?", my dad asked.

"BOSS?", I heard a familiar voice shout.

"(Y/N)?!", Me and my dad yelled in unison.

(Y/N)'s POV:
I sat up in astonishment, did my boss and Kurt know each other? They seemed pretty acquainted. I turned to Kurt forcing myself to act as if he didn't just murder someone.

"Guess you're not as much of a failure as I thought huh dude?", the guy asked.

Why the fuck was he talking to Kurt so rudely.

"Actually Dad she's not my-", Kurt began, so my boss was Kurt's dad?

Great, I was stuck in a spree with a verbally abusive grown man and a murderer. Well I'd known my boss for at least two years and I knew how much of an asshole he could be. I took a deep breath.

"oh hey boss! This is such a crazy coincidence! I can't believe my boyfriend and my boss are related! My two favourite people", I laughed forcing a fake smile. Kurt stared directly at me a mix of astonishment and regret playing on his face, I simply smiled at him kissing his cheek.

It didn't suck so much I mean he wasn't bad looking he just had sorta greasy hair and no sense of style...
Kurt stared at me, I stared back daring him to speak. I could tell by the look on his face that he was practically dying for me not to talk of the previous events to his dad.

"Heh don't mind me guys you just get back to your make out sesh", his dad smirked sliding in next to Kurt.

I had no idea where we were heading, the trip was anything but enjoyable. Kurt's dad would rant at him or constantly try to pick at anything Kurt had done in the past, from what I picked up they were heading to a sort of DJ set or something? I tried to look at Kurt from the back of his car, he looked pretty sad I mean I don't blame him , he'd potentially had to deal with this all his life. If it weren't for my brand I'd punch his dad in the face. I sat back trying to drown out the noise of his voice.
We came to a stop outside of a place called club dirt, I recognized it immediately, I'd seen it in plenty of Instagram posts apparently it was pretty expensive. I stepped out the car, walking up to Kurt taking his hand in mine. He looked down at me but I kept my gaze focused on the entrance of the club.

"Hey dude I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick before the set wait there with (Y/N)", he huffed walking off down the hall.

Finally, I could speak to Kurt.

"Kurt", I cut him off with a sharp glare.

"You wanna explain what the fucks going on or am I going to have to call the police? We're in a pretty busy place right now so don't try anything with me", I whispered.

"(Y/N) why are you still here and why are you suddenly my girlfriend?", Kurt asked copying the volume of my voice.

"I'm not your girlfriend I'd never date a guy like you", I replied angrily.

He looked a little taken back at my response, shit did I offend him...he already had it pretty rough with his dad and even if he was a murderer I knew all to well how it felt to be put down by your own parents.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that look can I just explain later like once my boss who just happens to be your dad has fucked off", I sighed
frustrated at what was happening right now.

Before Kurt could reply his dad came running down the hallway, "let's fucking go!"
He pulled out his phone starting a livestream, the place looked like a strip club...why would someone take their son here? Kurt seemed to have picked up on this and questioned his dad about the location. I zoned out for the rest of their conversation until I heard a familiar voice. UnO. What was that bitch doing here? I looked over to the far side of the club where the black haired female was filming some stupid live stream.

We walked up to her, I lingered behind Kurt desperately hoping she wouldn't notice me. She ignored Kurt's dad when he first came up continuing her stupid stream, I rolled my eyes at her rude behaviour.
After a few minutes I'd had enough, I picked up one of the glasses and slammed it onto the table.

She looked up at first annoyed when she saw me, however when she noticed I'd got company her facial expression morphed into a plastic smile

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She looked up at first annoyed when she saw me, however when she noticed I'd got company her facial expression morphed into a plastic smile.

"Hey UnO I'm Dj Kriss, we spoke briefly on the phone earlier, pleasure", he held out his hand, UnO shook it quickly before returning to her phone.

I had no time for this, I slipped away unable to hang around that nightmare. I left the building and went to go sit in the car maybe I should just call the police? As much as I knew covering for a murderer was wrong I didn't need the police hanging around my home for a long while. After a couple of minutes Kurt joined me in the car, he looked pretty upset, annoyed even, over something.

"You good?", I asked turning to him.

He jumped at the sound of my voice it was as if he hadn't even noticed me here.

"Yeah my dad and UnO are just setting up some stuff I don't know", Kurt sighed fiddling with his vape.

"Hey Kurt-", I was interrupted by a loud knock on the window.

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